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規格:重:23.9 g 直徑:3.92 cm


袁大頭在貨幣收藏界被稱為銀元之寶,它是中國近千種近代銀幣中流傳最廣、影響最大的銀元品種,也是近代中國幣制變革中的一個重要角色。袁大頭在制造的時候是相當嚴謹的,不管是重量還是成色都有相當嚴格的管理,每星期要抽樣送到“財務部”化驗,中國銀行也會隨時派員檢查,不合格的隨時熔毀,絕不遷就,使得每一枚留存下來的“袁大頭”都是精品。Yuan daguang is known as the treasure of silver dollar in currency collection circles. It is the most widely circulated and most influential silver dollar among nearly a thousand kinds of modern silver COINS in China, and also an important role in the reform of modern Chinese currency system. Yuan tou was very rigorous in manufacturing, with strict management on both weight and color. Samples were sent to the "finance department" for analysis every week. The bank of China would also send personnel to check at any time, and the unqualified ones would be melted down at any time. 此中華民國三年袁大頭壹圓,正面中央鐫刻袁世凱側面頭像,上方鐫刻“中華民國三年”六字,“民”帶一點,字體遒勁有力。背面圖案是兩株交叉的稻穗,中央為“壹圓”字樣,紋飾精美,包漿醇厚,存世量非常稀少,頗具收藏價值。This three years of the republic of China yuan head one round, front central engraved yuan shikai profile head, above engraved "three years of the republic of China" six characters, "people" with a bit, strong and powerful font. The pattern on the back is two crossed ears of rice, the center is the word "one circle", the grain decoration is exquisite, the package pulp mellow, the quantity of storage is very rare, quite collection value.



Structure of the gold yuan, dignified neat, elegant unsurpassed, money superb text patterns, clear and deep tuan, such as tall and knife, no yisiyihao thouths, qian zhongshu lines revealed a cadence of resolute strength, full of verve, amazing, precious, casting quantity is not much, so there is extremely rare, has high historical value and academic value.




崇寧通寶 大觀通寶 乾祐寶錢



崇寧通寶鑄行于公元1102 年,錢文由北宋徽宗皇帝趙佶親筆所書,人稱“御書錢”。宋徽宗在政治上并無建樹,但“性甚機巧,優于技藝”,“能書擅畫,名重當朝”,他所寫的“瘦金體”,有“鐵劃銀鉤”之評;宋徽宗更因鑄錢精絕,而于王莽并稱“錢法二圣”。  Chongning tongbao zhu line in 1102 AD, by the northern song emperor huizong emperor zhao ji handwriting written, known as "imperial book money." Huizong of the song dynasty made no achievements in politics, but he was "skillful and skillful, superior to his skills". Huizong of song dynasty was even more famous for casting money, and wang mang was called "two sages of money law".


此錢幣雖已被時間洗練,歷史賦予其銅銹,但仍可看出面文“崇寧通寶”隸書對讀,古樸方正,光背,包漿自然;青銅質,錢文端莊深峻,見角見棱;銅質精良,鑄工精細;穿孔方形,輪脊低平;地章平整,錢體厚重,超越常品,世人評此為"宋代第一泉"。縱觀無翻砂之貌,卻有“刀痕未盡”之征,又有母錢拔模之“梢”;又稱之為試鑄錢,傳世稀少;有著收藏意義,歷史價值也在不斷的提升,深受藏家的喜好!具有極高收藏價值和研究價值! Although the coin has been washed by time, history has given it copper rust, but still can see the appearance of the text "chong ning tong bao" clerical script to read, simple square, bare back, wrapped mud natural; Bronze, qian wen dignified and steep, see Angle see edge; Fine copper, fine casting; Perforated square, wheel ridge low flat; The ground is smooth, the money body is massiness, surpasses the common product, the world comments this is "the song dynasty first spring". Looking at the appearance of no turning sand, but there is the sign of "knife mark is not done", and the "tip" of mother money drawing mold; Also known as trial casting money, handed down rare; Has the collection significance, the historical value is also in the unceasing promotion, deeply the collector's preference! Has the extremely high collection value and the research value!



乾祐寶錢,西夏仁宗李仁孝,乾祐年間(1171—1193年) 所鑄西夏文平錢。此錢出土于甘肅武威、寧夏賀蘭山一帶西夏腹地,在西夏文錢中傳世微多。制作精整,字畫清楚,邊廓堅實,光背無文。徑2.4厘米,重3.9克左右,屬西夏文錢中之上品。


Daguantongbao is a square hole round coin with proper size, good size, reasonable layout and generous. On the obverse, there are four characters of "daguantongbao", which are simple, complicated and fluent; on the back, there are no lines on the plain. The characters are thin, straight and upright, with a point when drawing horizontally, a hook when drawing firmly, a dagger when skimming, a knife when pressing, strong and powerful, free and easy, with a cool and meaningful sense of vision, unique flavor, fully showing the charm of "thin gold body", which can be called a unique. In addition, combined with the exquisite work of deep and fine meat, it is even more magnificent and magnificent, which is a fine coin collection.





Qian You's treasure money, Li Renxiao, the Renzong of Xixia, was cast in the reign of Qian You (1171-1193). This coin was unearthed in the hinterland of Xixia in Wuwei of Gansu Province and Helan Mountain of Ningxia Province, and passed down a little in Xixia. The production is neat, the calligraphy and painting are clear, the outline is solid, and the light back is empty. It is 2.4cm in diameter and about 3.9G in weight, which is the top grade of Xixia coin.


Qianyou treasure money is Xixia Culture money, but the forger and Qian culture are obviously more exquisite than those of Da'an treasure money in the early stage, and there are few coins in the world



標簽:博古 袁大頭 賞析 文化藝術 民國



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