規格:重:2.6k g
中國區的玻璃隕石做為一種新生的物品,眾人猜測也許中國區的玻璃隕石能研究出其形成的過程。于是,近幾年玻璃隕石價值日愈攀升,直追傳統藏品,價值堪比鉆石,價值極高!Ferruginous glass meteorite is the product of liquid cooling during the falling process of some kind of meteorite. The mother rocks of glass meteorites are light green and black. Therefore, the falling of glass meteorites is carried out together with the mother rocks. Darwin 1844, a British biologist, got a button shaped glass stone in Australia. Later, this kind of glass like stone was called "glass meteorite" in the world. The shape of most glass meteorites is similar to that of molten sputtered materials, including globular, elongated, dumbbell, droplet, button and irregular block. It is scattered in groups in continental or submarine sediments. The color of glass meteorites is black, dark green and brown. There are elongated bubbles and bubbles of different sizes on the surface. Some of them are like craters on the surface of the moon, with a density of about 2.38-3.0.
The origin of the glass meteorite has been proved. Scientists have shown that it is the product of the melting of some kind of meteorite when it falls at a high speed. However, its formation process is still unknown, although most scientists now think that it is the impact of a huge meteorite or comet (core) on the earth, which makes the material on the earth's surface melt, sputter into the air, and cool rapidly. However, up to now, no corresponding crater has been found for the glass meteorites in Australia, Asia and North America, so the earth's melting matter is not correct. From a global perspective, glass meteorites represent many large meteorite rain events that have occurred on earth, and are likely to be the cause of life crisis on earth.
規格:重:2.45k g
For a long time, people in the world have a good meteor legend and praise, when the meteor dragging beautiful arc of the row to the sky, some people often in the heart silently make a good wish, many men of letters is the meteor written into the poem. Meteors are also commonly referred to as meteorites, also known as "meteorites", which are cosmic meteors or dust fragments that have left their original orbit outside the earth and quickly scattered to the surface of the earth or other planets. The glass meteorite is formed in high altitude, high temperature, high pressure and high speed, so it has obvious formation characteristics: the internal high purity without impurities, the whole body is full of dense small bubbles, the external shell, shell on the flow pattern, outside and under the shell sometimes produce large air marks. 流星劃落天際,留下剎那的絢麗,默然許愿,這是最原始時候人們對隕石的理解。隨著科學精進,流星的神秘面紗被悄然揭開,隕石是地球以外脫離原有運行軌道的宇宙流星或塵碎塊飛快散落到地球或其它行星表面的未燃盡的石質、鐵質或是石鐵混合物,玻璃隕石可以保持數以十億計年份基本保持不變。科研人員可以通過研究這些隕石對早期宇宙了解更多,科研價值極高,一些發達國家必爭之物,形成如今玻璃隕石瘋漲局勢,真正的一石千金。Meteors delimit the sky, leaving the moment of brilliant, silent wish, this is the most primitive time people understand meteorites. With the progress of science, the mystery of meteors has been quietly unveiled. Meteorites are cosmic meteors or dust fragments that have left the original orbit of the earth and quickly scattered to the surface of the earth or other planets. Glass meteorites can remain basically unchanged for billions of years. Researchers can study these meteorites to understand more about the early universe, scientific research value is very high, some developed countries must contend for things, the formation of today's soaring glass meteorites situation, a real stone.
此組藏品為“玻璃隕石”,隕石呈不規則形,通體布滿致密的小氣泡,外部有融殼,清晰明顯,上有流紋。其隕石表面經過大氣摩擦燃燒后遺留很多痕跡,有的像蜂窩型,有的雖然目觀光澤,但在儀器觀察之下,仍然有許多凹凸不平之處,十分難得珍貴。This collection is "glass meteorite", meteorite is irregular shape, the whole body is full of small dense bubbles, the outside has melting shell, clear and obvious, on the flow grain. Its meteorite surface after the atmospheric friction combustion left a lot of traces, some like honeycomb, some although the eye view of luster, but under the observation of the instrument, there are still many uneven places, very rare and precious. 玻璃隕石形成民間有兩種假說最為接近事實,月球起源說中火山噴發說、沖擊變質說。根據美國科研局最新消息,可能性最大的是玻璃隕石是巨大的隕石或彗核撞擊地球,使地球表層巖石熔融高速濺出坑外急速冷卻而成。或者是玻璃隕石是從宇宙空間降落到地球大氣層的玻璃雨形成的,所以玻璃隕石極具科研價值。
There are two hypotheses about the formation of glass meteorites that are closest to the facts. The most likely scenario is that glass meteorites are large meteorites or comet cores that hit the earth, causing molten rock on the earth's surface to spewing out of the crater and rapidly cooling. Or glass meteorites formed from rain of glass that fell from space into the earth's atmosphere.