Song Dynasty coins in the fine goods, Huizong cast line of Chongning, Daguan, Xuanhe and other years as the representative of money. In the 25 years of his reign (1101-1125), Zhao Huizong cast thirteen coins, including Jianguo, Yasukuni, Sheng Song, Chongning, Grand View, political harmony, heavy harmony, and Xuanhe.
Big view Tong Bao money is divided into Xiaoping money, fold two, fold three, fold five, fold more than ten kinds, the style of coin text is mostly thin gold body, should be emperor Zhao Jian calligraphy imperial book money, among them with Xiaoping and fold ten more common, also the most exquisite.
此藏品為大觀通寶,整體呈圓形方孔狀,重:3.51g ,直徑:2.4cm;正面鑄有“ 大觀通寶”四字,此錢鑄工制作講究,其地章平整,穿口干凈,端莊規(guī)矩,十分美觀;而且其工藝精致秀美,形制和緣深峻,版面錢文鑄刻端正,筆劃剛勁深刻,整體展現出一種藝術文化欣賞色彩,頗具徽廟遺風,十分迷人!而且此錢形制老舊,表面皮痂交織,包裹一層濃郁的銹泥,顯露出老舊淳厚的色澤,整體彰顯出龍鐘老態(tài)之感,十分耐賞;另外,大觀通寶歷經漫長歲月洗禮,見證了該時代的歷史特色,對研究當時的經濟、文化有著重要的價值,而且,大觀通寶半分因為政局因素影響,其鑄造不多,存世珍稀,像此品相精美,端莊雅致的于收藏市場上更為少見,價值頗為珍貴,值得收藏!
After a long period of baptism, Guantongbao witnessed the historical characteristics of the era, has an important value to the study of the economy and culture at that time, and, due to the influence of political factors, the great Guantongbao half of its casting is not much, rare in the world, such as this in the collection market is more rare, the value is quite precious, worth collecting!