合同號:YSWHZLFW- B7033
規格:重:15.2 g 直徑:2.7 cm
中國古幣,萌芽于夏代,起源于殷商,發展于東周,統一于贏秦,歷經了四千多年的漫長歷史,創造了七十多項世界之最。形形色色的古幣,構成了中國雄偉的貨幣發展演進史,被譽為世界文化之林。Ancient Chinese COINS originated in the xia dynasty, originated in the shang dynasty, developed in the eastern zhou dynasty, and were unified in the qin dynasty. All kinds of ancient COINS constitute the grand monetary development and evolution history of China, known as the forest of world culture.
此組大清銅幣邊齒規整,字口深峻,流通痕跡明顯,歷經百年歲月的沉淀,錢幣表面形成了一層自然醇厚的包漿,撫之,清涼舒爽,手感極好。此幣中心突起,正面中部為漢文“大清銅幣” 四字,左右鑄有“戶部”,下鑄“當制錢十文” 字樣。背面珠圈內鑄蟠龍紋飾,神龍威武,遒勁有力,皇族尊貴氣息一覽無余,珠下環書“大清銅幣”英文字樣。此幣品相精細,色澤明亮,成色均勻,構思巧妙,做工精美,圖案考究,紋飾細膩,栩栩如生,十分精美,是難得一見的精品古錢幣。
This big clear copper coin edge tooth is neat, the word mouth is deep and steep, the circulation trace is obvious, after 100 years of precipitation, the coin surface formed a layer of natural mellow pulp, caressing it, cool and comfortable, feel very good. The center of the coin is protruding, and the middle of the front is the Chinese character "qing dynasty copper coin". On the back of the beaded ring, the dragon design is cast into the beaded ring, the dragon is powerful and powerful, and the royal noble breath is in full view. This coin is exquisite in appearance, bright in color, uniform in color, ingenious in conception, exquisite in workmanship, exquisite in design, delicate in texture, lifelike, very exquisite, it is a rare fine ancient coin.
Qing dynasty copper coin, the back is a lifelike dragon. In China, collectors like this coin very much, because the Chinese nation is the descendant of the dragon. In folklore, the dragon on the back of the "qing dynasty copper coin" can increase one's luck, so that the time engraved in the dragon's protection, to avoid evil. So this coin has always been a favorite with collectors.
規格:重:24.3 g 直徑:3.82 cm
Guangxu yuanbao is the first large-denomination currency in circulation in guangxu period of the qing dynasty. It is the first printed and circulated currency that introduced overseas technology in China. Guangxu yuan treasure, the highest value is guangdong province made guangxu yuan treasure, worth collecting.
Guangxu yuanbao made in guangdong province is the most exquisite craft, the most perfect carver and the most strong sense of sculpture among all the longyang COINS with patterns in China. The mirror is smooth and smooth, and the patterns are very clear.
This treasure guangdong province makes guangxu yuan bao "every yuan when making money ten text". The money surface has the Chinese characters "guangxu yuanbao" in the bead circle, "made in guangdong province" in the outer ring, and "guangxu yuanbao" in the outer ring.
Guangxu yuanbao is the earliest mechanism coin in China and one of the top ten reputation COINS in modern China. It has important practical and historical significance, and in addition to the late qing dynasty, the republic of China war and other factors, some of the more precious guangxu yuanbao silver dollar varieties have been rare, high collection value.