清代銀烤藍嵌祖母 帝王綠翡翠戒指
規格:重:7 g 直徑:2.8 cm
The emperor's green color is positive and thick. Like emerald, it feels blue in green, but not partial. Imperial Green is the green with the best color and the highest value, also known as "grandmother green", which gives people a noble beauty.
Imperial Green is a unique color. Imperial Green is very green and green. The kind of green flowing oil is the kind that drips out quickly.
This gorgeous Qing Dynasty silver roast blue inlaid grandmother
The king's green emerald ring is made of the best kind of King's green emerald. It is bright and bright in color, transparent in texture and full of water head. The front side is carved with relief technique, with fine silver inlaid on the edge. The lines are beautiful and smooth without any rigidity. On the back of it, there is a light engraved pattern of extending years. It is very precious and has great collection value.
規格:長:1.29m 寬:63.1 cm
現任北京京文畫院院長,北京林興美術學院院長,國家一級美術師,中國仕女畫研究會副會長,聯合國世界和平教育者國際協會藝術委員會亞洲區責任評委,99聯合國世界和平美術大展金獎得主。薛林興在研究古今中外諸人物繪畫大師的基礎上,創造出獨具魅力的繪畫作品,在中國畫壇獨樹一幟。以古典傳統之韻,寫現代觀念之神。他作品中的人物神態典雅,形象優美。內在含蓄,耐人尋味。 多年來,薛先生創造了雍容華貴的的貴妃。
Xue Linxing, born in Qingdao in 1951, graduated from the Art Department of Northeast Normal University in 1982. This work is Xue Linxing's favorite work, which is of great collection value.
At present, he is the president of Beijing Jingwen Painting Institute, the president of Beijing Linxing Academy of fine arts, the national first-class artist, the vice president of China ladies Painting Research Association, the Asia region responsibility judge of the Art Committee of the United Nations International Association of world peace educators, and the winner of the gold Medal of the 99 United Nations world peace art exhibition. Xue Linxing created a unique and charming painting work on the basis of studying the masters of figure painting at all times and at home and abroad. Write the spirit of modern concept with the charm of classical tradition. The characters in his works are elegant and graceful. It's implicit and intriguing. Over the years, Mr. Xue has created a dignified concubine.
冷艷絕俗的山鬼,冰清玉韻的嫦娥等近百個古典美人形象,被譽為‘薛貴妃’、‘東方美神’。薛先生于86年展開世界性美術交流活動,90至93年旅居日本,于日本、臺灣、新加坡、加拿大等國家和地區多次舉辦個人畫展。被收錄于《中國當代書畫家百人》、《中國國畫家名人大辭典》、《世界名人錄》。日本原首相海部俊樹,埃及總統穆巴拉克,葡萄牙總統蘇亞雷斯等幾十位國家首腦收藏了他的作品。多年來, 薛林興的作品被有關國家領導人作為禮品贈送各國首腦,英國女王伊麗莎白二世、埃及總統穆巴拉克、葡萄牙總統蘇亞雷斯、荷蘭女王貝亞克麗特絲等國際名人先后給薛林興復函致謝。 1987年英國首相撒切爾夫人接到薛林興為她畫的肖像畫感謝:您創作的這幅作品將權力與博愛融為一體,我認為很好,非常感謝。1989年美國總統布什接到薛林興的繪畫作品后復函致謝:我和夫人巴巴拉十分感謝您的珍貴禮物——漂亮的畫和印章,我十分欣賞這非凡禮物的意義——良好的愿望和支持。 1991年與畫家陳葆棣、姚少華先生在珠海舉辦《當代名家畫展》。所得畫款50萬港幣贈送珠海殘疾人協會。 在“世界和平美術大展”中獲得金獎,得到聯合國組織的的贊賞和嘉獎。北京青年畫家薛林興筆下的楊玉環,以其‘回眸一笑百媚生’的特有魅力,在中國畫壇上獨樹一幟,為世人矚目,他追求的古典美與現代美相融合的新畫風自成一家;尤其在東南亞享有盛名,被譽為‘薛貴妃’。他非常熱衷于祖國的慈善事業,經常參加為貧困的西北和西南少數民族地區捐款捐物的活動,手中的畫筆也為開發大西北的事業創作出了不少杰出的作品。 薛先生身為山東才子,不僅才華橫溢,而且人品極佳。他的俠肝義膽,古道熱腸為世人所稱道。許多奇遇是人們平常所難以想象的,然而薛先生正是以他的人格魅力使這些奇遇產生了出人意料的藝術效果,他不僅交到了真朋摯友,也在他們的幫助下,克服了一道道難關,在藝術追求的道路上不斷前行。美由心生,正是由于薛先生有一顆真善美的心靈,他才能點石成金,成為美神的忠實使者。