1910年12月29 日,經辛亥革命后,已光復的17省代表在南京推選孫中山為中華民國臨時大總統。1912年1月3日,中華民國政府宣告成立,清朝滅亡,在中國持續2000 多年的封建君主專制隨之結束。民國成立時,由于幣制尚未建立,以孫中山先生領導的南方革命黨成立了“民國政府”,針對當時的局勢,中華民國沿用清代的造幣設備和造幣技術,鑄造了“湖南省造雙旗幣”。雙旗幣面值很多,包括一文、二文、五文、十文、二十文、五十文、一百文、二百文等,其中尤以貳佰文雙旗幣傳世量最為稀少。
"On December 29, 1910, after the revolution of 1911, the representatives of 17 provinces who had recovered elected Sun Yat-sen as the interim president of the Republic of China in Nanjing. On January 3, 1912, the government of the Republic of China was founded and the Qing Dynasty was destroyed. The feudal autocracy which lasted for more than 2000 years in China ended. When the Republic of China was founded, because the currency system had not yet been established, the southern Revolutionary Party led by Dr. Sun Yat Sen established the "government of the Republic of China". In view of the situation at that time, the Republic of China used the coinage equipment and technology of the Qing Dynasty to forge the "Double Flag coinage of Hunan Province". There are many denominations of Double Flag coins, including one, two, five, ten, twenty, fifty, one hundred and two hundred, among which the two hundred Double Flag coins are the most rare.
The owner of the two hundred red copper straight tassel plate of double flags should be a local warlord in Sichuan Province. In the early years of the Republic of China, the custom of Sichuan warlords setting up their own mints was not rising. That is to say, a few of them were not large-scale. Most of them were hand-operated machines and small batch casting. Their engraving and casting techniques could not be the same as those of the mints in Chengdu and Chongqing. Therefore, the existence of the two hundred Wen red copper straight tassel plate with poor workmanship is quite small, even less than that of the brass straight tassel plate. Two hundred straight tassels of double flags, no matter red or brass, can be divided into several small types according to the size of spikes, the length of spikes and the density of grains.
民國雙旗幣貳百文,此枚錢幣經歷了無窮歲月稍有磨損,正面珠圈內鐫交叉五色旗與鐵血十八星旗,底部標注著面值200文,錢幣背面圈內為麥穗環花,下環鑄“當貳百文銅元”。此幣形制規整,銅質精純,在歷經歲月之后至今雖盡顯斑駁古意,但仍不失熠熠光彩,其鑄工精湛;此枚銅幣現存世量極少,具有很高的收藏和投資價值。 藏品雖經歷了歲月,但紋路依然清晰可見,上面的銹跡也見證了其歷史的積淀,具有非常明顯的歷史過渡性特征,有著難以言喻的收藏價值。
Double Flag coin of the Republic of China is 200 Wen. This coin has been worn for a long time. On the front of the coin, there are five color flags and eighteen star flags, with a face value of 200 Wen marked on the bottom. On the back of the coin, there are ears of wheat and wreaths of flowers. This coin is regular in shape and pure in copper. Although it is mottled and ancient after years, it still shines with exquisite workmanship. There is very little copper coin in existence, which has high collection and investment value. Although the collection has gone through years, the lines are still clearly visible, and the rust on it also witnesses the accumulation of its history. It has a very obvious historical transitional characteristics, and has an indescribable collection value.
In the Republic of China, there were two hundred pieces of Double Flag coins, and the works of art were slightly worn after endless years. In the obverse circle of the coins, the value of the coins was "two hundred words", and in the lower circle was "made by Sichuan MINT". The coin is regular in shape and pure in copper. Although it has been variegated in antiquity after years, it still shines with exquisite workmanship. On the back of the coin, there are two crossed five color flags engraved in the bead circle and one circle in English outside. This copper coin has a very high collection and investment value due to its very small extant quantity.
The business scope of Guangdong Wanqing Auction Co., Ltd. is: auction of artworks and collectibles; artworks agency; auction of general articles; trade agency; wholesale of jewelry, artworks and collectibles (excluding ivory products); retail of jewelry; retail of Arts and crafts and collectibles (excluding ivory products); retail of other daily necessities; social and economic consultation (excluding educational consultation service) 。 (for projects subject to approval according to law, business activities can only be carried out with the approval of relevant departments.) (for projects subject to approval according to law, business activities can be carried out only after approval of relevant departments). In Guangdong Province, the current registered capital of enterprises is relatively high. All qualifications are complete.
Since its opening, the company has held many large-scale art exhibitions and auctions, with the turnover rate rising year by year. A small auction every month provides a better platform for the circulation of customers' goods. The standard of small-scale auction is that the starting price is mostly the bottomless price, and the transaction price is determined by the market. The small-scale auction held by the company does not need any catalogue fee and any publicity fee, and only pays commission after the transaction. Participation in large-scale auctions requires strict examination and approval before participation.
核心價值觀:誠信為本 真不二價
管理理念:規矩方圓 厚德載物
Wanqing group concept
Core values: Based on honesty
Service concept: serve every customer well
Business philosophy: integrity wins the future
Management concept: rules and regulations
Guangdong Wanqing group not only has a strong global promotion strength in the auction fields of ancient Chinese calligraphy and painting, modern Chinese calligraphy and painting, antique treasures, Chinese contemporary art, contemporary ink, ancient books and documents, contemporary crafts and other art works, but also has completed a comprehensive layout in the auction fields of jewelry, watches, pearls and Tibetan Buddhist art, wine and liquor, technology and antiques. It is an enterprise with abundant capital, high-end customer resources and wide business scope.
Solicitation scope:
Porcelain: the five famous kilns of Song Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty are the best;
Jade: high ancient jade, Ming and Qing jade, jadeite, etc;
Calligraphy and painting: ancient calligraphy and painting, modern calligraphy and painting, famous oil painting, ancient books, etc;
Miscellaneous items: Tian Huangshi, chicken blood stone, bronze ware, coins, bamboo and wood ivory carvings, etc.