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Jiaqing Tongbao was cast in the reign of zongjiaqing (1796-1820). It is 2.2-2.6cm in diameter and 2-4G in weight. The Qian Mian character "Jiaqing Tongbao" is written in regular script and read directly from top to bottom, right and left. On the back of the coin, there is a full text of "treasure" on the left. The name of the Bureau on the right is round, with square holes in the center. The diameter is 2cm, and the shape is small. These small coins are rare now. The body of the coin is dark brown and covered with slurry. The rust color is proper and natural, and the texture is fine brass. Emphasis: the Qian Mian character "Jiaqing Tongbao" is written in regular script and read directly from top to bottom, right and left. A Manchu character "Bao" is engraved on the left side of the perforation on the back of money, and the name of money bureau is forged in Manchu on the right side. This coin has a proper and exquisite production technology, clean perforation, thin and tall characters, flowing strokes, perfect expression of art and prehistoric value, and high collection value. Characteristics of coins in Qing Dynasty: an emperor only used one year's money.



[collection name]: Jiaqing Tongbao


Class: Coins

嘉慶帝的年號與傳統習俗文明中吉祥文字一樣或諧音,“嘉慶”的“嘉”,涵義完美調和,因此嘉慶通寶極受藏友喜歡。此外,嘉慶通寶屬五帝錢之一,用以寄予祈福心意,獨具保藏價值,有著很大的增值空間。嘉慶是清高宗弘歷的第十五個兒子,嘉慶皇帝生于乾隆二十五年(1760年),乾隆五十四年被封為嘉親王,乾隆皇帝在位六十年整,嘉慶登基,改元嘉慶,在位25年,卒于嘉慶二十五年(1820年)終年61歲。廟號“仁宗”。 近年來,隨著收藏品市場的整體繁榮和人們對古錢的認識加深,古錢市場重又興旺起來。明清古錢幣是錢幣收藏的大類。不少藏家認為,古錢收藏正走向復興,市場生意盎然。近年來銅幣越來越受到藏家的重視,在交易市場上非常活躍并取得了不斷上漲的成交記錄。

Jiaqing emperor's year number is the same or homophonic as the auspicious characters in traditional customs and civilizations. The meaning of "Jiaqing" is perfectly harmonious. Therefore, Jiaqing Tongbao is very popular with collectors. In addition, Jiaqing Tongbao is one of the five emperors' coins, which is used for blessing, with unique preservation value and great value-added space. Jiaqing is the 15th son of Emperor Gaozong Hongli of the Qing Dynasty. Emperor Jiaqing was born in 1760, and was granted the title of Prince Jiaqing in 54. Emperor Qianlong reigned for 60 years. Jiaqing ascended the throne, changed to Jiaqing, reigned for 25 years, and died at the age of 61 in 1820. The temple is called Renzong. In recent years, with the overall prosperity of the collection market and the deepening of people's understanding of ancient money, the ancient money market has flourished again. Ancient coins of Ming and Qing dynasties belong to the collection of coins. Many collectors believe that the collection of ancient money is on the way to rejuvenation and the market is booming. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to copper coins by collectors, which are very active in the trading market and have achieved a rising transaction record.

古錢幣在市場上的藝術價值極高,材質珍貴,初步判定銅元會在今后的收藏投資界中取得更好的成績。嘉慶通寶,錢幣版面雕刻精美,經過歲月的洗禮,仍舊可以看出圖案和文字的設計感極強,受時代和文化的影響,彰顯極高的歷史價值和學術價值。 因此,“嘉慶通寶”被淘汰不用。中央戶部如此,各省自然仿效。這版式鑄行時間短,數量少。即使有部分流傳下來,也因只有細小筆畫的變化,或是在流通中文字磨損而不為人們注意,所以難得一見。

The artistic value of ancient coins in the market is very high, and the materials are precious. It is preliminarily determined that the copper coins will make better achievements in the future collection and investment field. After years of baptism, we can still see that the design of patterns and characters is very strong. Influenced by the times and culture, it shows a high historical and academic value. Therefore, "Jiaqing Tongbao" was eliminated. This is the case with the central household department, and the provinces naturally follow suit. This layout has a short casting time and a small quantity. Even if some of them are handed down, they are rarely seen because of the change of only small strokes or the abrasion of characters in circulation.






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標簽:通寶 嘉慶 古玩 精品 推薦



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