2019年英國拍賣精品推薦 景泰藍花鳥紋賞瓶一對
[Tibet. Recommendation] column for the strong dissemination effect of the collection to recommend to buyers the selected art treasures by experts at the first level of national appraisal, to bridge the gap for Tibetans, so that the value of thousands of art treasures are excavated and valued, and high-priced transactions can be concluded in the auction.
【名稱】: 景泰藍花鳥紋賞瓶一對
【類型】: 雜項
[name]: A pair of cloisonne blue vase with bird pattern
[type]: miscellaneous
[Specifications ]: Height: 25.8cm diameter: 8.5cm bottom diameter: 7.0cm
近日,廣州國通博物館有幸征集景泰藍是中國的著名特種金屬工藝品之一,到明代景泰年間這種工藝技術制作達到了最巔峰,制作出的工藝品最為精美而著名,故后人稱這種瓷器為“景泰藍”。景泰藍正名“銅胎掐絲琺瑯”,俗名“琺藍”,又稱“嵌琺瑯”,是一種在銅質的胎型上,用柔軟的扁銅絲,掐成各種花紋焊上,然后把琺瑯質的色釉填充在花紋內燒制而成的瓷器器物 。因其在明朝景泰年間盛行,制作技藝比較成熟,使用的琺瑯釉多以藍色為主,故而得名“景泰藍”。景泰藍為宮廷專用器物,民間禁止使用和制作。制作工序細分起來有100多道,相當耗費人力心力,無處不體現皇家的尊嚴和奢華,因而,古時有“一件景泰藍,十箱官窯器”的說法。 此藏品銅胎,溜肩,鼓腹,圈足。通高25.8cm,口徑8.5cm,足徑7.0cm,腹部寶紅釉地,飾紅、黃、藍三色掐絲琺瑯纏枝牡丹花紋6朵,其下飾牡丹瓣紋一周,其上飾2只吉祥鳥相對而望十分有趣,背面飾梅花紋8朵。其結構連綿不斷,故又具“花開富貴,生生不息”之意,寓意吉慶,是一件非常值得收藏界關注和收藏的精品。
Cloisonne is one of the famous special metal crafts in China. By the time of Jingtai in Ming Dynasty, the production of this craft reached its peak, and the crafts produced were the most exquisite and famous. Therefore, later people called this kind of porcelain cloisonne. Cloisonne is just named "copper tyre filigree enamel", commonly known as "enamel", also known as "inlay enamel". It is a kind of porcelain utensil made of soft flat copper wire on copper tyre shape, pinched into various patterns and welded, and then filled with enamel color glaze in patterns. Because it was popular in Jingtai period of the Ming Dynasty, and its craftsmanship was relatively mature, the enamel used was mostly blue, so it was named "Jingtai blue". Cloisonne is a special utensil for the court, which is forbidden to be used and made by the people. There are more than 100 production processes, which are quite labor-intensive and reflect the dignity and luxury of the royal family. Therefore, there is a saying in ancient times that "one cloisonne, ten boxes of official kilns". This collection is made of copper tires, slip shoulders, bulge bellies and circle feet. It is 25.8cm in height, 8.5cm in diameter, and 7.0cm in foot diameter. It is decorated with 6 red, yellow and blue filigree, enamel, twig and peony patterns on the abdomen. Its lower part is decorated with peony petal patterns for one week, and its upper part is decorated with 2 auspicious birds. It is very interesting to look at each other, and its back is decorated with 8 plum blossom patterns. Its structure is continuous, so it also has the meaning of "flowers bloom, rich, endless", which means auspicious, is a very worthy of attention and collection of fine works.
The collection of cloisonne (enamel) has always played an important role in the hearts of collectors. From ancient times, there has been a saying that "if there is no Cloisonne in the collection, it will be useless to collect all the cloisonne in the world". Cloisonne of the Ming Dynasty is particularly popular, with tens of millions of days' price frequently appearing in major trade fairs, so it has a huge appreciation space.
此件藏品為本次英國拍場核心推薦藏品,拍賣時間:2020年12月20日 This collection is the core recommended collection of this British auction, auction time: December 20, 2020