藏品規格:直徑:39.1mm 重:26.5g
During the reign of Emperor Guangxu, the late Qing dynasty where the corruption had declined, in order to obtain a temporary stability, to pay compensation year after year, plus the clever take-out of foreign powers, resulting in the loss of a large number of silver in China, the Qing government at the initiative of Li Hongzhang and other ministers in order to resist and ban foreign countries Inadequate quality of foreign money, special approval by the Guangdong and Guangxi Governor Li Hongzhang, in the UK purchased advanced coin-making machinery and facilities, the first to establish the first coin factory in Guangdong, after the success of the trial, the provinces rushed to follow suit, each established The Mint in his own province, for a time, minted a mint in China.
元寶不僅代表著近代中國的貨幣文化,而且反映了我國近代歷史、經濟、金融的興衰和滄桑。而要論古錢幣的價值和受歡迎程度,當屬清朝光緒年間流通的貨幣——龍紋光緒元寶為最。而下面這枚北洋造光緒元寶,由于未便于流通使用,故鑄額極其希罕,更顯珍貴, 極具觀賞性與文物價值。光緒三十四年北洋造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣系光緒34年(1908年)北洋銀元局(舊稱北洋機器局)鑄行。文中這枚光緒元寶的正面沿外環周邊,雋齒狀裝飾條紋,里面有排布均勻的圓點珠環,珠環內上下左右刻有光緒元寶四個繁體楷書大字,在四個字中央分布有滿文的光緒元寶銘文字樣,珠環與齒狀條紋中間上端刻有北洋造三個楷體字樣,兩環之間的下方刻有“庫平七錢二分”六個繁體漢文。元寶上方左右相襯兩個防偽圓點,幣面的斑駁銹跡見證了歷史的變遷。錢幣背面和正面同樣刻有精致均勻的齒狀裝飾條紋,與正面不同的是少了中間的珠環圓點和字樣,而鐫刻有一條象征著帝王尊嚴的蟠龍,這條龍張牙舞爪形態逼真,周圍祥云朵朵,象征著吉祥如意,龍的周邊刻制著英文字樣,標明了當時中國從政治和經濟方面已經同外國接軌,在元寶下面左右相對各有一凸起的防偽圓點,背面的左邊中端刻有阿拉伯數字34的字樣,代表著所鑄幣的年份。
Ingot not only represents the currency culture of modern China, but also reflects the rise and fall of China’s modern history, economy and finance. And to discuss the value and popularity of ancient coins, it was the currency that circulated during the Qing dynasty's Guangxu period—the Longevity Guangxu ingot was the most. The following piece of Beiyang made Guangxu ingot, because it is not easy to use, so the cast is extremely rare, more precious, highly ornamental and cultural value. Guangxu thirty-four years of Beiyang made Guangxu Yuanbao Kuping seven money two silver coins Department of Guangxu 34 years (1908) North Ocean Silver Dollar Bureau (formerly Beiyang Machinery Bureau) cast lines. The front of the Guangxu ingot along the periphery of the outer ring, fangs of decorative stripes, there are evenly arranged circle beads ring, the ring is engraved with the upper and lower left and right sides of the four traditional Chinese characters Guangxu yuanbao, distributed in the middle of the four words There are Man of Guangxu Yuan Bao-Ming characters. The upper part of the bead ring and the dentate stripe are engraved with the words of the three corpses of Beiyang. The lower part of the two rings is engraved with six traditional Chinese characters of “Cuping Seven Money Second Divided”. There are two anti-counterfeit dots on the left and right of the ingot, and the mottled rust on the currency witnessed the historical changes. The back and front of the coin are also engraved with fine and uniform tooth-shaped decorative stripes. Unlike the front, there is less middle circle of beaded ring and words, and there is a dragon that symbolizes the dignity of the emperor. The dragon claws are realistic in shape. The surrounding clouds are blossoming, symbolizing good luck and good fortune. The dragon's periphery is engraved with English characters, indicating that China was already in line with foreign countries from a political and economic point of view. There is a raised anti-counterfeiting dot on the lower side of the ingot, and the left side of the back. The Arabic numerals 34 are engraved in the middle, representing the year of coinage.
The coins are well-preserved and clear in texture. They are rare treasures in Guangxu Yuanbao. In the last years of the Qing dynasty, disputes between the silver and the yuan units took place in the ruling and opposition areas. The currency system was not unified. The Beiyang Machinery Bureau was renamed the Beiyang Mint Bureau, and in the twenty-fifth year of Guangxu's reign, it cast the “Guangxu Yuanbao” with its depreciation. And Beiyang made Guangxu ingot at the time of circulation, the market is scarce, a rare currency.
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