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Yuan Datou silver dollar is also known as the treasure of silver dollar in the field of currency collection. It is also the most popular and influential silver dollar variety among nearly 1000 kinds of modern silver coins in China. It is also an important role in the reform of modern currency system in China. The price of yuan Datou Silver dollar is affected by the amount of circulation and historical value. Among them, Yuan's coins in the decade of the Republic of China are the rarest among all yuan's categories. Compared with other versions of money and silver, they have higher collection and research value.



[collection name]: RMB 1.00 in the decade of the Republic of China


Class: Coins


This silver coin is made in the 10th year of the Republic of China. It is a portrait of Yuan Shikai with a bare head on the front. The body turns to the right. It is made in the 10th year of the Republic of China. In the middle of the back is the word "one circle" from top to bottom, surrounded by rice ears. The coins are well preserved with natural color. No matter the characters or patterns, they are natural, delicate and appropriate in depth. Silver belongs to the precious metal. This silver dollar has a very high silver content, good quality and exquisite production. It is a commemorative silver coin of the famous official cast mechanism figures in the modern republic of China. It is also a fine product of modern Chinese silver coins with great collection value and market value.


As the leader of the warlord silver coins in the Republic of China, "yuan Datou" series is not new to coin collectors. It is the most widely spread and influential silver coin among nearly one thousand modern silver coins, and it is also a major figure in the new coin making and leather making. Yuan Datou occupies an important position in the modern financial history of China. They not only reflect the rise and fall of modern Chinese politics, economy, culture, diplomacy and financial history, but also the concentration and witness of Chinese culture and art.


針對近幾年來袁大頭的市場行情來看,相比近兩年不斷低迷的國內藝術品市場行情,袁大頭拍賣顯然要活躍很多,精品迭出,風頭不減,“袁大頭”的市場價值更是節節高升,更多的藏友去追尋“袁大頭”的蹤跡,不惜高出市價囊獲其中。,在2004年前的十多年里,一枚價格僅為六七萬元;2006年開始價格攀升, 2009年漲到126萬左右, 2010年初漲到了245萬。當時,藏家們已經覺得是天價了,不可能再漲了。沒想到,今年 “袁大頭”竟然一飛沖天,漲到近700萬一枚。據悉,目前在收藏市場上, “袁大頭”已經是我國近千種近代銀幣中流傳最廣、影響最大的銀元品種,也是近代中國幣制變革中的一個重要角色,相當難得的火熱市場!

In view of the market situation of yuan Datou in recent years, compared with the domestic art market in recent years, yuan Datou's auction obviously needs to be more active, with many high-quality products and no less popularity. The market value of yuan Datou is even higher and higher, and more collectors go to pursue the trace of yuan Datou, at the expense of higher market price. In the more than ten years before 2004, the price of one piece was only 670000 yuan; in 2006, the price began to rise, reaching 1.26 million yuan in 2009 and 2.45 million yuan in early 2010. At that time, Tibetans felt that the price was too high to rise any more. Unexpectedly, this year, "yuan Datou" unexpectedly soared to nearly 700 in case. It is reported that at present, in the collection market, "yuan Dadou" has become the most popular and influential silver coin among nearly 1000 kinds of modern silver coins in China, and it is also an important role in the reform of modern China's currency system, which is a very rare hot market!






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標簽:中華民國 古玩 精品 推薦 造壹元



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