【規格】直徑:3.9cm 重約:26.7g
[name] yuan Datou in the decade of the Republic of China
[Specification] diameter: 3.9cm, weight: 26.7g
民國錢幣的袁大頭銀元中,“中華民國十年造”尤為珍貴,中華民國十年的袁大頭,正面上方是刻有“中華民國十年”的字樣,正面刻有袁世凱頭像,背面是嘉禾結帶包圍著“壹圓”字樣。此幣包漿自然,色澤自然 , 保存完整,品相上佳,頗具觀賞與收藏價值,所以存世不多, 國際金銀價格的漲跌,也刺激了傳統的收藏市場,近五年的時間,民國年間的袁大頭銀元可謂漲跌不停。即使在2008年的金融危機的沖擊下,“袁大頭”也能保持穩定的價格不跌。業內人士認為,未來“袁大頭”的收藏依然有較大的升值空間。此外,對于長期投資而言,短期內的價格動蕩也不會有太大的影響 , 對于目前市場而言它具有很高的藝術觀賞價值和文化價值,也具有一定的保值和升值空間。
Among the Yuan's silver coins of the Republic of China, "made in the 10th year of the Republic of China" is particularly precious. Yuan's head in the 10th year of the Republic of China is engraved with the words "the 10th year of the Republic of China" on the front, the head of Yuan Shikai on the front, and Jiahe band on the back surrounding the words "one circle". This coin is natural in color, natural in color, intact in preservation, superior in quality, and valuable for appreciation and collection. Therefore, it is rare to survive. The rise and fall of international gold and silver prices has also stimulated the traditional collection market. In the past five years, the rise and fall of yuan Datou silver dollar during the period of the Republic of China was endless. Even under the impact of the financial crisis in 2008, "yuan Dadou" can maintain a stable price. Industry insiders believe that there is still a large appreciation space for the collection of "yuan Dadou" in the future. In addition, for the long-term investment, the short-term price volatility will not have a great impact. For the current market, it has a high artistic value and cultural value, and also has a certain space for preservation and appreciation.