墨西哥銀圓又叫做“墨銀”或“鷹洋”,后訛為“英洋”。 1521年,西班牙殖民者占領了墨西哥,并于1535年在美洲設立了包括墨西哥與美國南部總共450萬平方公里的第一個總督轄區,稱之為“新西班牙總督區”。西班牙殖民者征服墨西哥后,曾試圖使用西班牙銀幣。但是,他們很快發現,西班牙銀幣完全不能滿足這個龐大的殖民地的需求。同時,為了便于把殖民地的貴金屬運往宗主國,西班牙王室決定在殖民地設立造幣廠。1535年,根據西班牙國王卡洛斯5世(Carlos V)的旨令,新西班牙總督區在征服者首領科爾特斯宅邸附近(現墨西哥城市中心憲法廣場西側)建立了美洲第一家造幣廠。由于當時主要鑄造銀幣,因此,開采和提煉的銀子越來越多,鑄幣業一度成為當時最有活力的產業。
The Mexican Silver Circle is also called "Mo Yin" or "Yingyang", which is later falsely called "Yingyang". In 1521, Spanish colonists occupied Mexico, and in 1535, they established the first viceroy in America, including Mexico and the south of the United States, totaling 4.5 million square kilometers, called the "new Spanish Viceroy". After the Spanish colonists conquered Mexico, they tried to use Spanish silver coins. However, they soon found that Spanish silver coins could not meet the needs of this huge colony at all. At the same time, the Spanish royal family decided to set up a mint in the colony in order to facilitate the transportation of precious metals from the colony to the suzerain. In 1535, according to the decree of Carlos V, the governor of New Spain established the first Mint in America near the residence of Cortez, the conqueror leader (West of the constitutional square in the city center of Mexico). Since silver coins were mainly minted at that time, more and more silver was mined and refined, and the mint industry once became the most dynamic industry at that time.
[collection name]: Yingyang coin
Class: Coins
After Mexico's independence in 1810, silver coins and gold shields were still minted and circulated in rials. It was not until 1823, two years after the end of the war of independence, that the silver coin of 8 rials struck in Mexico began to bear the design of the eagle on the national emblem of Mexico. In 1863, Mexico began to use decimal coins and began to circulate them. At the end of the 19th century, the silver coins of 8 rials were replaced by 1 peso, but the basic features, especially the design of the eagle, remained.
In 1840, after the Opium War, China was reduced to a semi feudal and semi colonial society. Britain and the United States and other imperialist countries took the opportunity to set up banks in China and made economic aggression against China by issuing notes, silver dollars and other means. However, some capitalist countries, such as Mexico and Spain, were not willing to lag behind and came from afar to seize and carve up the Chinese market. At that time, foreign silver dollars flowed into China, such as "stick ocean" of Britain and "dragon ocean" of Japan. The largest inflow of silver into China was the Spanish "Benyang" and later the Mexican "Yingyang".
On the obverse of the silver dollar is a winged eagle with a long snake in its mouth (the tail of the snake is connected with the wings of the Eagle). It stands on a cactus (national flower) with one leg. On the top of the edge is the Spanish "republicana". On the back of the coin, there is a cap with 32 light pillars (representing 31 states and 1 Federal District) of different lengths around the cap, and one of the three light pillars on the top of the free cap is shorter. There are 11 light columns on the lower edge of the free hat. In the lower half of the margin, there is a decorated pentagram, 8R, m and 1867 (the year of casting). The coins are of high quality and are rare.
Inspired by the tribal gods, the ancient aztecans built their homes in the place where Eagles held snakes and stood on cacti. Until now, all coins made in Mexico have such a national emblem on them. At that time, silver coins with Eagle pattern became the market currency after entering China due to their excellent quality, which was called "Yingyang" by the people. The legend of "Yingyang" not only shows the coinage art of Mexico, but also an example of friendly exchanges between human beings. The history of coinage is actually a part of the culture of a country and a nation, and also an important part of human civilization.