Throughout the ancient and modern times, the ancient coins of each period in our country have experienced the test of five thousand years' history, which has a long history and has a long history. Up to now, ancient money is not only the medium of commodity exchange, but also the microcosm of the civilization and technology of the economic and political systems of various times. Today we will come together to understand even Ye Wenshuang flag coins!
Recently, the well-known trading center, Shanxi YiChang-sheng Culture, has the privilege to collect from the hand of Mr. Liu, this Hunan province's double-flag coin, and we can enjoy it together!
此藏品是劉先生家傳藏品,錢幣整體包漿渾厚,字跡模印清晰,雖有少量磨損卻恰恰證明了藏品的歷史痕跡! 錢幣正面圖案中央為兩面交叉的國旗,背面圖案為稻穗嘉禾紋繞連葉邊花。保存完好,錢文、圖案清晰,流通痕跡明顯,具有非常明顯的歷史過渡性特征,此版本存世極少,具有很高的文物收藏價值、歷史文化價值以及藝術品鑒價值。
This collection is Mr. Liu's family collection, the whole coin is thick, the handwriting mold is clear, although there is a small amount of wear and tear, it just proves the historical trace of the collection! The front pattern of the coin is the national flag with two intersecting sides in the center, and the pattern on the back is the rice panicle Jiahe grain wrapped around the leaf edge flower. It is well preserved, Qian Wen, clear pattern, obvious circulation trace, with very obvious historical transitional characteristics, this version exists very little, has a high collection value of cultural relics, historical and cultural value and art value.
清末民初是個動蕩的年代,1911年辛亥革命勝利后,清帝退位。中國民主主義革命的先驅者孫中山在頒布的“臨時令”中提出要“另刊新模,鼓鑄紀念幣”,隨后武昌和南京兩處造幣廠率先鑄行了 “雙旗幣”銅元輔幣,以十文面值的為主,在全國大量發行以取代清朝銅元。另有二十文,五十文,百文和二百文等面額,這就是“開國紀念幣” 銅元的由來。但是當時經濟并不發達,加上連年戰亂,百姓民不聊生。大面額錢幣流通并不理想,連葉文作為紀念幣更是少之又少!
The late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China were turbulent times. After the victory of the 1911 Revolution, the Qing Emperor abdicated. Sun Yat-sen, the pioneer of the democratic revolution in China, issued a "temporary order" in which he proposed to "issue a new model, drum and cast commemorative coins ". Subsequently, Wuchang and two mint sites in Nanjing took the lead in casting" double-flag coins ", mainly in ten denominations, and issued a large number of coins throughout the country to replace the Qing Dynasty. There are twenty pieces, fifty pieces, one hundred pieces and two hundred pieces, which are the origin of the coin of the founding of the nation. But at that time the economy was not developed, coupled with years of war, the people are not living. Large denomination coin circulation is not ideal, even leaf. Wen as a commemorative coin is rare!
Under the thick pulp is the crystallization of the wisdom of the laborious masses of the past dynasties, but also the witness of the progress of history. Today, such coins have long been eliminated and cannot be used, but will not be forgotten by history. It shows that a unique period of history, a small turning point in the history of human progress, and today, mostly as a collection, antiques appear in our lives. Because of its particularity, a group of enthusiasts who have a special passion for coins struggle to pursue it.
If you have an intention to collect this collection, welcome to our company to negotiate, or contact the marketing department.
一件藏品的成交離不開宣傳與推廣! 只有讓更多的藏友知道收藏價值,才能使藏品發揮它應有的價值
A collection of transactions cannot do without publicity and promotion! Only by letting more collectors know the value of the collection can the collection play its due value.
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