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Yuan Shikai's one yuan founding commemorative coin is like a beard. In 1912, Yuan Shikai's one yuan gold sample coin is like a beard. Yuan Shikai's one yuan founding commemorative coin is one of the rarest and most important sample coins in the Republic of China.



[collection name]: Yuan Shikai's gold coin commemorating the founding of the people's Republic of China


Class: Coins

【規格】:重量26.5g 直徑3.9cm

"Specification": weight 26.5g, diameter 3.9cm

袁世凱像大鬍子開國紀念幣史博祿著對于中國錢幣收藏家來說,眾多中國幣之中,大鬍子開國紀念幣也屬神秘之幣。其神秘之處在于鑄造地點、時間不詳,誰下令鑄造、幣面肖像原型是誰也不得而知。耿愛德對此幣的編號是K672(林國明/馬德和《中國金銀幣目錄》書中編號LM47,張璜《中國銀元及銀兩幣目錄》書中編號CH237),幣面圖案設計顯然是沿襲了1912年孫中山像和黎元洪像開國紀念幣的風格,正面居中是大鬍子男人七分像,外圍雙圈,左右飾花葉(沿襲1911年大清銀幣風格,天津造幣廠、武昌造幣廠和南京造幣廠鑄造)。上書“中華民國”四個漢字,下刻“開國紀念幣”五個漢字。背面居中豎鐫“一圓”,兩側飾嘉禾,外圍雙圈,邊緣上鐫英文“THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA”(中華民國),下鐫英文“ONE DOLLAR”(一圓)。該幣正背面佈局和銘文仿1912年黎元洪像開國紀念幣(戴帽和無帽,武昌造幣廠鑄造)和1912年孫中山像開國紀念幣(南京造幣廠鑄造),只是肖像不同,背面英文也沒有花星分隔。

Yuan Shikai is like a bearded commemorative coin for the founding of the People's Republic of China. To Chinese coin collectors, bearded commemorative coins for the founding of the People's Republic of China are also mysterious coins. The mystery lies in the unknown location and time of the casting. It is not known who ordered the casting and the prototype of the coin-faced portrait. Geng Ed's serial number for this coin is K672 (Lin Guoming/Made and LM47 in "Catalogue of China's Gold and Silver Coins" and CH237 in "Catalogue of China's Silver Coins and Silver Coins" by Zhang Huang). The design of the coin pattern obviously follows the style of the 1912 Sun Yat-sen and Li Yuanhong Statues as the founding commemorative coins, with the bearded man in the center on the front, the double circle on the periphery and the mosaic on the left and right (following the style of the 1911 Qing silver coin, forged by the Tianjin Mint, Wuchang Mint and Nanjing Mint). The inscription reads "Republic of China" with four Chinese characters and the inscription reads "founding commemorative coin" with five Chinese characters. In the middle of the back is inscribed "a circle", with Jiahe on both sides, double circles on the periphery, English "THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA" on the edge and English "ONE DOLLAR" on the bottom. The layout and inscription on the front and back of the coin are similar to those of the 1912 Li Yuanhong-like founding commemorative coin (hat on and hat off, minted by Wuchang Mint) and 1912 Sun Yat-sen-like founding commemorative coin (minted by Nanjing Mint), but the portraits are different and the English on the back is not separated by stars.

袁世凱中華民國開國紀念幣(俗稱大胡子幣),面值為一元的銀幣 ,據傳此幣系民國5年(1916年)或民國8年(1919年)天津造幣總廠鑄造。該幣史載不詳,舊說袁世凱為了復辟帝制,自封中華帝國,自定洪憲年號,于民國5年特制以下3種幣型紀念章。 另據《中國紀念幣考》中所載,該幣是民國8年天津造幣總廠廠長李伯琦令唐尚金工程師所雕,正面系借用“共和紀念幣”之3個版別的面模,即系袁世凱正面戎裝像。背面為大飛龍圖案(采用臨摹“洪憲小飛龍拾圓金幣”圖案刻制而成)。

Yuan Shikai's Commemorative Coin for the Founding of the Republic of China (commonly known as Bearded Coin), a silver coin with a face value of one dollar, is said to have been coined by Tianjin Mint General Factory in 1916 or 1919. The history of this coin is unknown. It is said that Yuan Shikai made the following 3 kinds of coin commemorative medals in the five years of the Republic of China in order to restore the monarchy, self-styled the Chinese empire and self-styled Hong Xian's year number. According to the "China Commemorative Coin Test", the coin was carved by Tang Shangjin's engineer by Li Boqi, director of Tianjin Mint General Factory in the year of the Republic of China. The front of the coin is a three-page model of the "Republican Commemorative Coin", namely, the front military uniform image of Yuan Shikai. On the back is the big dragon pattern (carved by copying the "Hong Xian Small Dragon Picking up Round Gold Coin" pattern).






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標簽:大胡子 開國 古玩 金幣 紀念



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