華夏文明上下五千年,歷史文化源遠流長。每一個歷史發展的階段都是我們國家成長的足跡,銀銅機制幣也正是這歷史銀河中組成的重要部分。就其特定的歷史時期也使它在錢幣史上占據著重要的地位,它不僅代表著近代中國的貨幣文化,反映了我國近代歷史、經濟、金融的興衰和滄桑,具有很高的藝術觀賞價值和文物價值。錢幣作為古玩的一種,一直以來都是收藏家關注的熱點。而且材質珍貴,藝術價值高,由貴重金屬或白銀合金鑄造,制作精美,圖案考究,文字清秀,內容豐富,銀 光燦爛,其貌可人,也具有一定的保值和升值功能。近年來,隨著收藏投資熱的不斷升溫,銀元也日漸走俏,且價格一路上揚。尤其是珍品銀元,在藏品交易市場上表現異常活躍。
Chinese civilization has a long history of 5000 years. Every stage of historical development is the footprint of our country's growth, and silver copper coins are also an important part of this historical galaxy. Its particular historical period also makes it occupy an important position in the history of coins. It not only represents the currency culture of modern China, but also reflects the rise and fall of modern history, economy and finance of our country. It has high artistic value and cultural relic value. As a kind of antiques, coins have always been the focus of collectors' attention. Moreover, the material is precious and the artistic value is high. It is made of precious metal or silver alloy. It is exquisitely made, with exquisite design, beautiful writing, rich content, brilliant silver and charming appearance. It also has a certain function of preserving and appreciating value. In recent years, with the increasing investment in collection, silver dollars are becoming more and more popular, and prices are rising all the way. In particular, the precious silver dollar is extremely active in the collection trading market.
【藏品名稱】:中華民國二十六年 壹分
[collection name]: one point in the 26th year of the Republic of China
Class: Coins
此枚藏品是中華民國二十六年壹分銅幣,1937年(民國二十六年)發行的壹分硬幣。銅幣正面中間是國 民 黨 黨徽圖案,上方環寫中華民國二十六年"字樣背面中間是古錢布幣圖案,兩邊是面額"壹分"字樣,由上海中央造幣廠于民國二十六年鑄造,材料為紅銅,這種銅幣目前的存世數量非常少收藏價值極高,品相保存相當完美,字跡都非常清晰,經過歲月的洗禮,有些許的銹斑,包漿自然,難得的佳品。
This coin is a dime issued in 1937 (the Republic of China). In the middle of the obverse of the copper coin is the party emblem of the Kuomintang, with the words "in the 26 years of the Republic of China" encircled on the top. In the middle of the back of the coin is the pattern of ancient coins and cloth coins, and on both sides is the face value. The copper coin was minted by Shanghai Central Mint in the 26 years of the Republic of China. The material is red copper. At present, the number of copper coins in existence is very small, the collection value is very high, the quality of the coins is very perfect, and the handwriting is very clear. After years The baptism of, a little bit rusty spot, wrapping natural, rare good product.
藏品雖經歷了無窮歲月,但紋路依然清晰可見,具有非常明顯的歷史過渡性特征,有著難以言喻的收藏價值。此枚藏品的錢文、輪廓 的清晰程度好,具有很高的歷史價值、藝術價值和收藏價值。銅幣是錢幣收藏的大類,歷來都受到很多藏家的關注,不同版別的銅幣都有獨特的韻味,值得藏家深品。在錢幣類的在線拍賣中,這些古銅幣備受青睞,成為很多買家追逐的焦點。 藏品現藏于廈門伯德富展覽服務有限公司,歡迎各位蒞臨本公司賞析,廣大收藏家可以通過我們官方網站、官方微博、微信公眾平臺了解詳情。
Although the collection has gone through endless years, the lines are still clearly visible, with very obvious historical transitional characteristics, and has an indescribable collection value. This collection has high historical value, artistic value and collection value. Copper coin is a large category of coin collection, which has always been concerned by many collectors. Copper coins of different editions have unique charm and are worthy of deep appreciation by collectors. In the online auction of coins, these ancient copper coins are very popular and become the focus of many buyers. The collection is now stored in Xiamen bodefu Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. welcome to our company for appreciation. The majority of collectors can learn the details through our official website, official microblog and wechat public platform.
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