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aking, let thousands of art treasures value was discovered and take seriously, in the auction to clinch a deal at a high price.


【名稱】 大清順治銀條

【規格】 14.2cm /3cm/512.5g

【類別】  雜項



Name Shunzhi silver bar in Qing Dynasty

specifications 14.2cm /3cm/512.5g

Category Miscellaneous

Show the price 5000000.00 CNY

中國歷代對銀條的鑄造及發行都沒有統一的嚴格規定,允許自由鑄造。只要適應當時的流通環境和民間習俗,在保證質量的前提下銀條造形無規定,特別是從清代開始,銀條的器形更加多樣,各省各地各有千秋,異曲同工。中國銀條的種類繁多,器型各異,漢代銀條的器形為餅狀,唐代一般是長方形條狀,同時有餅狀和船形,宋代銀條的器形以鋌為主,與唐銀相比形態變寬、變厚,正面四角微翹,呈砝碼形,兩頭兩個圓弧成束腰形,遼、西夏、金的銀條器形與宋差不多;元代銀條的器形與宋出入不大,無銘文錠的區分是周緣翹起,中間內凹,多數元錠沒有銘文;明代銀條的器形長度較元代變短,而厚度卻增加,束腰已較小,兩端的弧形消失,周緣增高,特別是兩端更加突出,形成一個雙翅;清代到民國22年銀條退出貨幣領域始,銀條器形之雜,難以統計。但大體可分為元寶形、圓型、長方形、正方形、砝碼形、牌坊形等幾大類。There are no uniform and strict regulations on the casting and distribution of silver ingots in the past dynasties in China, and free casting is allowed. As long as it adapts to the circulation environment and folk customs at that time, there is no regulation on the shape of silver ingots under the premise of ensuring the quality. Especially since the Qing Dynasty, the shape of silver ingots has become more diverse, and each province has its own advantages and disadvantages. There are many kinds of silver ingots in China, with different types. In Han Dynasty, the shape of silver ingots is pie shaped. In Tang Dynasty, the shape of silver ingots is generally rectangle strip shaped. There are pie shaped and boat shaped. In Song Dynasty, the shape of silver ingots is mainly collar shaped. Compared with that in Tang Dynasty, the shape of silver ingots is wider and thicker. The front four corners of silver ingots are slightly warped, in weight shape. The two ends of silver ingots are in girdle shape. The shapes of silver ingots in Liao, Xixia and Jin are similar to those in Song Dynasty. In Yuan Dynasty, the shape of silver ingots is similar to that in Song Dynasty The shape of silver ingots in Ming Dynasty is shorter than that in Yuan Dynasty, but the thickness is increased, the waist is smaller, the arc at both ends disappears, and the circumference is increased, especially the two ends are more protruding, forming a double wing. From Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, when silver ingots left the currency field, the shape of silver ingots was Miscellaneous, difficult to count. But it can be roughly divided into Yuanbao shape, circle shape, rectangle, square, weight shape, archway shape and so on.

銀條銘文是指鑄造銀條時鏨刻或鑄造在銀條上的文字,內容歷代不盡相同,大體包括銀條鑄造的時間、地點、用途、成色、官員或工匠姓名等。鏨刻銘文是當時為了保證銀條的質量,用簽字畫押的方法,表示對經手的銀條負責。正因為這樣,卻成了我們鑒別真假銀條的重要依據。一是歷代銘文有其特點,各個歷史時代銀條上的銘文都與當時的貨幣經濟緊密相聯,與當時政府用銀為貨幣的歷史相一致,如漢代銀條銘文字少;唐代的銀條字開始多起來了;宋金銀條銘文較以前有了顯著變化,用途也較廣泛,很多銀條開始注明用途、地點、成色、匠人等銘文;元代用途進一步擴大,有了稅課銀徭役折銀稅等銘文。明代的銘文多涉及稅銀內容一般包括地點、時間、用途、重量、工匠、監鑄押運官員等;清代和民國時期銀條銘文變化最大。The inscriptions on silver ingots refer to the characters carved or cast on the ingots when they are cast. The contents of the inscriptions vary from generation to generation, generally including the time, place, use, quality, name of officials or craftsmen, etc. In order to ensure the quality of the ingot, the engraved inscriptions were signed to indicate that they were responsible for the handled ingot. Because of this, it has become an important basis for us to identify genuine and fake silver ingots. First, the inscriptions of all dynasties have their own characteristics. The inscriptions on silver ingots in all historical periods are closely related to the monetary economy at that time, and are consistent with the history of the government using silver as currency at that time. For example, there are few inscriptions on silver ingots in Han Dynasty; there are more silver ingots in Tang Dynasty; the inscriptions on gold and silver ingots in Song Dynasty have changed significantly and are widely used, and many silver ingots begin to indicate the use, place and quality , craftsmen and other inscriptions; the Yuan Dynasty further expanded the use of tax class silver corvee into silver tax and other inscriptions. The Ming Dynasty's inscriptions mostly related to the content of tax silver, generally including location, time, use, weight, craftsman, casting supervision and escort officials, etc.; the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China witnessed the greatest changes in the inscriptions on silver ingots.

此件藏品順治銀條,為大清順治年造,在清代銀條歷史收藏中實屬臻品。其包漿入骨,熟舊自然,字跡清楚,流通痕跡明顯,龍紋工藝精湛,圖案清晰,具有極高的投資價值和收藏價值。This collection of Shunzhi silver bar, made in Shunzhi of Qing Dynasty, is really the best in the collection of Qing Dynasty silver ingot history. It is well-known and natural, with clear handwriting, obvious circulation trace, exquisite dragon pattern technology and clear pattern. It has high investment value and collection value.

此藏品為本次2019重磅推薦藏品,歡迎各位蒞臨本公司賞析及協商,廣大收藏家可以通過各大媒體以及歡迎到公司了解詳情,如需意向購買,提前辦理好相關手續過來公司協商。一件藏品的成交離不開廣告宣傳!本公司以自成立以來,始終秉承“公開,公平,公正,誠實,守信”的服務原則,相關資質齊全,做最實在的宣傳,上最高端的平臺,享受最好的服務。特別提示:(以上藏品持寶人四川澤仁鄧珠先生委托我司誠意出售、歡迎各界收藏家咨詢或出價,圖片均為實物拍攝,若有疑問可預約我司觀看實物)。This collection is the 2019 heavyweight recommended collection. Welcome to our company for appreciation and consultation. Collectors can learn the details through various media and welcome to our company. If you want to purchase, please go through the relevant procedures in advance and come to our company for consultation. Since its establishment, the company has been adhering to the service principle of "openness, fairness, fairness, honesty, and trustworthiness", with complete relevant qualifications, making the most practical publicity, going to the top-end platform and enjoying the best service. Special tips: (the above treasure holder, Mr. Deng Zhu, Zeren, Sichuan, entrusts us to sell in good faith. Collectors from all walks of life are welcome to consult or bid. The pictures are taken in kind. If you have any questions, you can make an appointment with us to watch the real objects).



標簽:順治 大清 銀條



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