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清代五帝錢 是清朝最興盛的五位帝王(順治、康熙、雍正、乾隆和嘉慶)在位期間所鑄造的古錢。這五位帝王在位期間國勢昌盛且五代相連,相繼在位達到180年,而中國傳統文化中有“五世其昌”的說法。其他的朝代并沒有如此這樣五位相連的皇帝,故只有這清五帝的銅錢才成為小五帝錢

The Five Emperors' Money in Qing Dynasty was the ancient money forged by the five most prosperous emperors (Shunzhi, Kangxi, Yongzheng, Ganlong and Jiaqing) during their reigns. During their reigns, the five emperors enjoyed prosperity and were connected with each other for 180 years. However, there is a saying in Chinese traditional culture that "the five dynasties are prosperous". Other dynasties did not have such five connected emperors, so only the copper coins of the Qing and Five Emperors became the money of the small Five Emperors.



[Name of Collection]; Mother Money of Five Emperors in Qing Dynasty


中國古代民間一直有用古錢幣驅邪的習俗。史載,將方孔通寶錢不拘大小,以紅線懸于頸間,取銅錢歷經萬人手之實,匯集百家之陽氣,可抵御邪祟鬼魂。 五帝錢有擋煞、防小人、避邪、旺財、祈福之功能。中國民間自古就有佩戴錢幣以擋煞、防小人、避邪、旺財、祈福的習俗。 五帝錢是靈器,是法物,它兼具了帝王之威和民族之神

Ancient Chinese folk have always used ancient coins to exorcise evil spirits. According to historical records, Fang Kong Tong Bao's coins, large or small, are hung in red lines around his neck. Taking copper coins has gone through ten thousand hands and collected hundreds of yang qi to resist evil spirits. Five emperors' money has the functions of stopping evil spirits, preventing villains, avoiding evil spirits, prospering wealth and praying for good luck. Since ancient times, Chinese people have the custom of wearing coins to ward off evil spirits, guard against villains, ward off evil spirits, enrich wealth and pray for good luck. The money of the Five Emperors is an instrument of spirit and a thing of law. It has both imperial power and national spirit.


此組五帝錢母錢 分別由“順治通寶”、“康熙通寶”、“雍正通寶”、“乾隆通寶”、“嘉慶通寶”母錢構成。這些古錢幣距今已有幾百年的歷史,材質屬于黃銅,呈現顏色為黃色,廣為傳世,經萬人之手,流傳甚之又少。但與普通古錢相比,它們更多匯聚了華夏大地之靈氣、中華民族之靈氣、真命天子之靈氣、傳承百家之靈氣。因此也具有極強的招財、護身的作用,既珍貴又難得。此傳世五帝錢,銅幣銹色均勻,品相完整,實為難得一見的珍品,極具收藏價值和市場價值

This group of five emperors' mother money consists of "Shunzhi Tongbao", "Kangxi Tongbao", "Yongzheng Tongbao", "Ganlong Tongbao" and "Jiaqing Tongbao" mother money respectively. These ancient coins have a history of several hundred years. They are made of brass and have a yellow color. They are widely handed down from ancient times. They have been handed down by ten thousand people and are rarely handed down. However, compared with ordinary ancient coins, they bring together more of the reiki of China, the reiki of the Chinese nation, the reiki of the emperor, and the reiki of hundreds of families. Therefore, it also has a very strong function of making money and protecting oneself, which is both precious and rare. The five emperors' money handed down from ancient times has uniform rust color and complete appearance. It is a rare treasure and has great collection value and market value.

為什么現在五帝錢還這么受歡迎,在中國古代民間一直有用古錢幣驅邪的習俗。史載,將方孔通寶錢不拘大小,以紅線懸于頸間,取銅錢歷經萬人手之實,匯集百家之陽氣,可抵御邪祟鬼魂。 五帝錢有擋煞、防小人、避邪、旺財、祈福之功能。中國民間自古就有佩戴錢幣以擋煞、防小人、避邪、旺財、祈福的習俗。 五帝錢是靈器,是法物,它兼具了帝王之威和民族之神。即使是現在的生活中,已經不再需要迷信,很多人還是會在家中掛一些五帝錢,這個習俗也就流傳了下來 想要藏品一組完整的五帝錢 極為不容易 藏品價值極高

Why is the money of the Five Emperors still so popular now? Ancient coins have always been used in ancient Chinese folk to exorcise evil spirits. According to historical records, Fang Kong Tong Bao's coins, large or small, are hung in red lines around his neck. Taking copper coins has gone through ten thousand hands and collected hundreds of yang qi to resist evil spirits. Five emperors' money has the functions of stopping evil spirits, preventing villains, avoiding evil spirits, prospering wealth and praying for good luck. Since ancient times, Chinese people have the custom of wearing coins to ward off evil spirits, guard against villains, ward off evil spirits, enrich wealth and pray for good luck. The money of the Five Emperors is an instrument of spirit and a thing of law. It has both imperial power and national spirit. Even in today's life, superstition is no longer needed, and many people still hang some five emperors' money at home. This custom has also been passed down. It is extremely difficult to want to collect a complete set of five emperors' money. The collection is extremely valuable.


標簽:清代 千古 商城



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