Meteorite refers to the debris falling on the ground, which is composed of iron, nickel, silicate and other minerals, also known as meteorite. It also refers to the meteorites with more or all of rock. Asteroids move in their own orbit, and constantly collide, sometimes they will be knocked out of orbit and run to the earth. When they enter the atmosphere, they will generate light and heat by friction. When a meteor enters the atmosphere, the high temperature, high pressure and internal imbalance will explode and form a meteorite shower. The unburned ones fall on the earth and become meteorites.
[collection name]: Glass meteorite
【藏品規格】: 重:57.3g
[collection Specification]: weight: 57.3g
[transaction price]: consult our department for details
全世界已收集到4萬多塊隕石樣品,它們大致可分為三大類:石隕石、鐵隕石、石鐵隕石。石隕石中的鐵鎳金屬含量小于等于30%;石鐵隕石的鐵鎳金屬含量在30%--65%之間;鐵隕石的鐵鎳金屬含量大于等于95%。另外,還有一種隕石被稱為" 玻璃隕石 "。它呈黑色或墨綠色,有點象石頭,但不是石頭。有點象玻璃,但它是一種很特別的沒有結晶的玻璃狀物質。它的形狀五花八門,一般都不大,重量從幾克到幾十克。
More than 40000 meteorite samples have been collected all over the world, which can be roughly divided into three categories: stone meteorite, iron meteorite and stone iron meteorite. The content of iron and nickel in meteorites is less than or equal to 30%; the content of iron and nickel in meteorites is between 30% and 65%; the content of iron and nickel in meteorites is more than or equal to 95%. In addition, there is another kind of meteorite called "glass meteorite". It is black or dark green, a bit like stone, but not stone. It's a bit like glass, but it's a very special glass like substance without crystal. Its shape is varied, generally small, and its weight ranges from a few grams to dozens of grams.
隕石在高空飛行時,表面溫度達到幾千度。在這樣的高溫下,隕石表面融化成了液體。后來由于低層比較濃密大氣的阻擋,他的速度越來越慢,融化的表面冷卻下來,形成一層薄殼叫“熔殼”。熔殼很薄,一般在1毫米左右,顏色是黑色或棕色的。在熔殼冷卻的過程中,空氣流動在隕石表面吹過的痕跡也保留下來,叫“氣印”。氣印的樣子很像在面團上按出的手指印。此外還有形狀各異的溝槽,叫做熔溝。 熔殼和氣印是隕石表面的主要特征。
When the meteorite flies at high altitude, the surface temperature reaches several thousand degrees. At this high temperature, the surface of the meteorite melts into a liquid. Later, due to the obstruction of dense atmosphere in the lower layer, his speed became slower and slower. The melting surface cooled down and formed a thin shell called "melting shell". The shell is very thin, usually about 1 mm, and the color is black or brown. In the process of melting shell cooling, the trace of air flowing on the surface of meteorite remains, which is called "air stamp". It looks like a finger print on a dough. In addition, there are grooves with different shapes, which are called melting grooves The main characteristics of meteorite surface are melting shell and gas seal.
This collection is a glass meteorite, with a weight of 57.3g. The whole body of the meteorite is dark green, bright and dark. There are flow lines on the melting shell of the surface. The lower surface is the trace after burning through high-temperature friction with the atmosphere during high-speed falling. Its characteristics are obvious, and it is a rare irregular overall block. It is a rare rarity with high quality. It is of great significance to astronomical research and exploration. It has high ornamental value and collection value. The future appreciation space is huge and immeasurable.