“秦半兩”的出現,標志著秦始皇在貨幣上的大一統,還標志著中國古代錢幣的初步成熟,是中國貨幣發展過程中的一個里程碑,并影響到相鄰國家和地區,具有非凡的歷史意義。“秦半兩”奠定“圓形方孔”的古錢幣造型。錢幣成為古代中國貨幣的基本形式,貫穿中國封建社會,沿用了兩千多年。秦阿房宮背半兩是當時秦阿房宮殿的宮殿用錢,并不是通用貨幣。鑄造量少,并且只流通于阿房宮,現西安咸陽一帶。阿房宮被譽為“天下第一宮”,是中國歷史上第一個統一的多民族中央集權制國家——秦帝國修建的新朝宮。秦始皇統一中國后,于秦始皇三十五年(前212年)在龍首原西側開始建造的天下朝宮,意在建成后,成為秦朝的政治中心。The emergence of "Qin half two" marks the unification of Qin Shihuang in currency, and also marks the initial maturity of ancient Chinese coins, which is a milestone in the process of Chinese monetary development and affects neighboring countries and regions, which is of great historical significance. Qin half two laid the "round square hole" of the ancient coin modeling. Coins became the basic form of ancient Chinese currency, which ran through the feudal society of China and was used for more than two thousand years. Qin A Fang Palace back half is the Qin A Fang Palace palace money at that time, is not a general currency. The casting quantity is small, and only flows in A Fang Gong, now Xi'an Xianyang area. Ah Fang Palace is known as "the first house in the world". The new imperial palace built by the Qin Empire, the first unified multi-ethnic centralized state in Chinese history. After the unification of China, Qin Shihuang began to build the imperial palace on the west side of Longshou Yuan in the 35 years of Qin Shihuang (35 years ago). After it was built, it was intended to become the political center of the Qin Dynasty.
Qin A Fang Gong recommended by excellent works
秦半兩錢價值很高。而秦阿房宮背半兩是當時秦阿房宮殿的宮殿用錢,并不是通用貨幣。鑄造量少,并且只流通于阿房宮。所以更是價值不菲。In August of the three years of Qin II (the first 207 years), Zhao Gao was in a state of chaos, and the II was abducted in the Palace of the Hawaiian, and he was forced to commit suicide. The second was dead, and the house of the house was finally shut down until the end of the Qin Empire. It is said that the emperor of the Qin Shihuang is to guard against the people to take the weapons of the world to cast the twelve gold people. This will have an impact on the amount of copper money. As the price of copper is extremely high and the circulation of money is insufficient, the value of the two-part of the Qin and the half is very high. And the back half of the house of the Qin and the house was the palace of the Palace of the Qin and the Palace, and it was not the general currency. The amount of casting is small and only flows to the house of the house. That's why it's worth it.
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