孫中山像開國紀念幣,俗稱“孫小頭”, 辛亥革命勝利后,1912年1月3日,中華民國政府成立,為了盡快恢復社會經濟,當時的民國政府總統孫中山同意鑄造紀念幣,開國紀念幣圖案選用了大總統孫中山肖像,確定花紋式樣。隨后,全國各地等造幣廠依式鑄造,中華民國開國紀念幣孫中山大頭幣從此走向了貨幣歷史的舞臺。
Sun yat-sen as the founding COINS one circle, commonly known as "little sun", after the victory of revolution, on January 3, 1912, the government of the republic of China was founded, in order to restore the social economy, the government of President of the republic of China sun yat-sen agreed to casting COINS, founding commemorative design to choose a President sun yat-sen's portrait, decorative pattern is determined. Subsequently, the national mint in accordance with the type of coin, the founding of the republic of China commemorative coin sun yat-sen COINS from the stage of monetary history.
This is a six-pointed commemorative coin with an excellent appearance. On the front, there is a small head beside sun yat-sen, with the inscription of republic of China in official script on the outer ring. Inside the inner ring on the reverse side, there are two hexagonal stars in the outer ring. It is made of precious metal silver alloy, with exquisite design, elegant writing, rich content and brilliant silver light.
From the perspective of history, the founding coin of the republic of China has a strong historical atmosphere, is a valuable collection of revolutionary cultural relics, in the history of the coin has a profound commemorative significance. From the archaeological point of view, the founding COINS recorded the long and earth-shattering history of the revolution of 1911 and witnessed the struggle of numerous revolutionary martyrs. From the point of view of collection, with the passage of time, the market stock of "founding commemorative COINS" is increasingly scarce, the good quality is extremely rare, has become the "old rare" collection of the coin market.