智和文化——中華民國三年袁大頭銀幣一組 精品推薦
此組錢幣正面袁世凱戎裝五分側面頭像,刻畫精細,線條流暢,工筆細膩,細節清晰可見,極為細致。錢幣上端鑄有“中華民國三年”六字,背面兩條嘉禾左右交互,下系結帶,紋飾線條粗細均勻,線條流暢自然;嘉禾中間鑄“壹圓”字樣,字體端正工整,清秀俊逸,重量尺寸 ,符合標準,品相極佳。鑄幣之上當政者有國泰民安、吉祥如意之愿景,民間收藏,寓意 家和萬事興之吉祥之寶,故有很高的收藏研究價值。
On the obverse of this group of coins, Yuan Shikai's head in five sides is finely depicted, with smooth lines, fine brushwork and clear details. On the top of the coin, there are six characters of "the third year of the Republic of China". On the back, two Jiahe lines interact left and right. The lower part is tied with knots. The lines are uniform in thickness and smooth and natural. In the middle of Jiahe, there are the characters of "one circle". The characters are neat and neat, elegant and elegant. The weight and size meet the standards. The products are excellent. The rulers above the coins have the vision of national peace, good luck and good luck, folk collection, and auspicious treasure of family and everything, so they have a high value of collection and research.
In recent years, the currency market is hot, especially the ancient coins in the period of the people's Qing Dynasty were collected by a large number of collectors, "yuan Datou" is called the treasure of silver coins in the currency collection field. It is the most popular and influential silver coin among the nearly 1000 kinds of modern silver coins in China, and it is also an important role in the currency system reform of modern China. Because it is a real currency, between people's recognition of precious metals and a strong sense of identity with history and culture, there are not a few collectors. "Yuan Dadou" has a relatively strong liquidity, which is also one of the factors favoured by collectors, "money" is a good prospect. It's worth collecting!
This group of coins has obtained the identification certificate of the international authoritative expert Li Jianchen's autograph, which is really rare. It's worth looking forward to!
Collection name: yuan Datou silver coin group I in the three years of the Republic of China
This treasure is temporarily placed in "Sichuan Zhihe Cultural Development Co., Ltd." it is intended to contact the company directly!
Sichuan Zhihe culture is a comprehensive operation company integrating online and offline art exhibition, auction, cultural exchange and art appreciation. With the business tenet of "absorbing Chinese wisdom, promoting Chinese spirit and creating Chinese value", Sichuan Zhihe culture leads Chinese culture to the world with a farsighted vision, active planning and operation ability and pioneering spirit.