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懷表的歷史漫長而迷人,懷表譯作Pocket Watch,意思就是口袋里的表,顧名思義,應該是佩戴在胸前、懷里的表。這種直到19世紀末20世紀初才得以大規模生產的鐘表類型,在當今社會已經不常見,就連英國紳士也很少佩戴。人們對懷表的了解更多地是來自于影視劇,比如大偵探福爾摩斯緩緩地從上衣口袋掏出一枚金色懷表,輕描淡寫地看了一眼,然后眉頭稍皺,陷入沉思;又比如《一代宗師》中“武林大會”各家宗師合影時,幾乎都從上衣襟中露出金色的懷表鏈。懷表可以說是一個時代的縮影、風貌和生活的印記,是男人的神氣和魂魄。

This Chongning Tongbao was collected by Mr. Zhou of Hubei Province. It was first cast in the reign of Zhao Ji, Emperor Huizong of the Northern Song Dynasty (1102-1106), with the year number of money. There are three kinds of Chongning Tongbao, Chongning chongbao and Chongning Yuanbao Chongning Tongbao should be the ten types. Qian Wen is the book of Huizong, so it is also the money of Royal book It is the real manifestation of the thin gold calligraphy of Zhao Ji in Huizong. The Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty was more excellent in making money. At that time, the official making was 96% - 96.7%, higher than Chongning chongbao and Chongning Yuanbao. He and Wang Mang were called "two saints of money method", which is one of the two most valuable coins in bronze money.



During the reign of Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty, he was very obsessed with calligraphy and painting, so many coins with very exquisite designs were successively forged. Today, Chongning Tongbao, which we are familiar with, is one of the most popular precious coins. In addition to Chongning Tongbao, Shengsong Tongbao, Daguan Tongbao, Xuanhe Tongbao, Chonghe Tongbao, etc., are also coins from the Huizong period of Song Dynasty with a wide range of circulation. It is worth mentioning that song Huizong himself was "very skillful in nature and good at art". Therefore, his thin gold body, which was written by himself, has also become one of the templates for coin casting. The Qian Wen of Chongning chongbao and Daguan chongbao came from the font of song Huizong himself Chongning Tongbao is rare. According to what we can see at present, there is a spring family's comment: "fan is all in one, body is all in one, or as beautiful as hairpin flower, natural and graceful, or as sun brocade, colorful."




Whether it is the refinement of Qian Wen's calligraphy or the fineness of its casting, it is a work of art. Therefore, the later Quan family called the coins of the three dynasties Wang Mang, Hui Zong of Song Dynasty and Jin Zhangzong as "three unique ancient springs" This Chongning Tongbao mother, Qian Mu, Qian is made of iron with square mouth, thick and natural slurry, clear font, excellent condition and rare handed down product. It's worth that collectors of all ages should keep on collecting and studying, and explore its value constantly. This coin also enriches and perfects the ancient Chinese money culture. It can be said that this treasure will contribute a lot to Yongxin's auction of Song Dynasty coins.



此塊老上海懷表為覃先生所收藏,直徑:5.81cm:重量約40.0 g:提環固定于表上方,正面是古龍戲珠圖案。藏品整體以精細雕琢的手工藝記錄了品牌精髓和工匠們的高超技藝,展現了裝飾性的手工雕刻開面懷表,相當精致漂亮,為收藏佳品,具有很高的收藏價值。

Thin gold font is more popular in calligraphy. A small coin has witnessed the joys and sorrows of great China for thousands of years, and also contains thousands of years of Chinese civilization. Exquisite shape, exquisite carving, copper glittering big characters, ancient health and ancient charm of the paste. Even the details are exquisitely carved and almost perfect, which is actually the first treasure in the art market in a thousand years.








The business scope of Guangdong Wanqing Auction Co., Ltd. is: auction of artworks and collectibles; artworks agency; auction of general articles; trade agency; wholesale of jewelry, artworks and collectibles (excluding ivory products); retail of jewelry; retail of Arts and crafts and collectibles (excluding ivory products); retail of other daily necessities; social and economic consultation (excluding educational consultation service) 。 (for projects subject to approval according to law, business activities can only be carried out with the approval of relevant departments.) (for projects subject to approval according to law, business activities can be carried out only after approval of relevant departments). In Guangdong Province, the current registered capital of enterprises is relatively high. All qualifications are complete.





Since its opening, the company has held many large-scale art exhibitions and auctions, with the turnover rate rising year by year. A small auction every month provides a better platform for the circulation of customers' goods. The standard of small-scale auction is that the starting price is mostly the bottomless price, and the transaction price is determined by the market. The small-scale auction held by the company does not need any catalogue fee and any publicity fee, and only pays commission after the transaction. Participation in large-scale auctions requires strict examination and approval before participation.



核心價值觀:誠信為本  真不二價



管理理念:規矩方圓   厚德載物


Wanqing group concept

Core values: Based on honesty

Service concept: serve every customer well

Business philosophy: integrity wins the future

Management concept: rules and regulations





Guangdong Wanqing group not only has a strong global promotion strength in the auction fields of ancient Chinese calligraphy and painting, modern Chinese calligraphy and painting, antique treasures, Chinese contemporary art, contemporary ink, ancient books and documents, contemporary crafts and other art works, but also has completed a comprehensive layout in the auction fields of jewelry, watches, pearls and Tibetan Buddhist art, wine and liquor, technology and antiques. It is an enterprise with abundant capital, high-end customer resources and wide business scope.





Solicitation scope:

Porcelain: the five famous kilns of Song Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty are the best;

Jade: high ancient jade, Ming and Qing jade, jadeite, etc;

Calligraphy and painting: ancient calligraphy and painting, modern calligraphy and painting, famous oil painting, ancient books, etc;

Miscellaneous items: Tian Huangshi, chicken blood stone, bronze ware, coins, bamboo and wood ivory carvings, etc.




標簽:賞析 精品



網站:5 個   小程序:0 個  文章:12 篇

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  • 1030137


  • 747













