近年來, 古銅器收藏不斷升溫,市場高價頻出!作為中國古代藝術的重要組成部分,銅器在歷史上諸多時期都曾備受藏家重視,這不僅因為其物質功用,還在于它具有重要的精神價值、藝術價值和歷史文化價值,因此具有巨大的升值空 間和不可限量的收藏前景。特別自從明代宣德銅器出現以后,這種器物更是備受人們的推崇,成為銅器藝術中的主要器型。
In recent years, the collection of ancient bronzes has been warming up, and the market price is frequent!As an important part of ancient Chinese art, bronze has attracted great attention of collectors in many periods of history, not only because of its material function, but also because of its important spiritual value, artistic value and historical and cultural value, so it has a huge appreciation space and unlimited collection prospects.Especially since the emergence of Xuande bronze in Ming Dynasty, this kind of utensil has been highly praised by people and become the main type of bronze art.
According to the record of Yi ware in Xuande:During the reign of Xuande in Ming Dynasty,
Xuan Zong Zhu Zhan Jin Jian Jiao Tan Zong Miao and the Ding Yi set up by the Inner Court,Therefore, in the third year of the reign of Emperor Xuande, Wu Bangzuo and Lu Zhen were instructed to imitate the shape of the Shang and Zhou bronzes recorded in the archaeological map and Bo Gu Tu of the Song Dynasty, and to cast imitation ancient bronzes, as well as four elegant styles of bronze castings from famous kilns in Neifu.At that time, more than 3300 pieces of antique bronze ware were cast, including tripods, pots, Zun, beans and stoves.These antique bronzes, in addition to part of the retention of the court, but also by the imperial points with the princes.
宣德銅器銅質精良、精細,在暗淡處能發現奇異的光澤,難怪乎明景泰兵部尚書于謙對宣德銅器之美這樣評價:“色似黃金,音如鐘磬”,明嘉靖著名書法大家、文史學家南京應天府通判祝允明贊嘆宣德銅器:“當與商彝周鼎共寶、金玉同價,------金玉恒有而宣銅彝器傳世頗稀。”這批銅器鑄好后就封窯不鑄了,七年后宣宗駕崩,后來,由于戰亂等各種原因(特別是1449年10月,北方數十萬瓦剌軍圍攻北京城達數十日,燒殺、獵取;還有明末李自成領導的農民起義軍進入北京故宮收取變造和銷毀---),因此,存世十分罕見,但也許有極其稀少的隨著主人去了地下世界,而后來又傳世的。此執壺為重點推薦藏品,歡迎撥打下方電話咨詢洽談。Xuande bronze ware is of excellent copper quality.Fine,In the dim place, we can find strange luster.No wonder Yu Qian, the minister of military affairs of Jingtai in the MingDynasty, commented on the beauty of Xuande bronze wares:"The color is like gold, sound like bell chime," Ming Jiajing famous calligrapher, writer and historian Nanjing Yingtianfu Tong sentenced Zhu Yunming praised Xuande bronze: "When with the Shang Yi Zhou Ding a total of treasures, gold and jade the same price, ----gold and jade constant and Xuantong Yi handed down quite rare." This batch of bronze cast after the closure of the kiln not cast, seven years later Xuan Zong died, later, due to war and other reasons.(In particular, in October 1449, several hundred thousand troops from the north besieged the city of Beijing for several dozen days, burning and killing people.
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