坐洋幣,全名為法屬印度支那貿易銀圓,是清末在華流通的外國銀圓之一。其實根據1952年在人民銀行內部出版的《銀元圖說》來說,其正式名稱應為安南銀元,也叫“坐人”、“法光”。因為這種銀幣正面所鑄的自由女神坐像頭上的花圈有光芒七束,也稱“七角”。坐洋幣年號與版別 市場最新價值多少。但為了敘述方便下文仍采用“坐洋”的說法。
Sitting on the currency, the full name of the French Indochina trade silver circle, is one of the foreign silver circles circulating in China in the late Qing Dynasty. In fact, according to the "Silver Yuantu" published in the People's Bank of China in 1952, its official name should be Annan Silver Dollar, also known as "sitting people" and "Faguang." Because the statue of the Statue of Liberty, which was cast on the front of the silver coin, has seven beams of light on the head, also called the "seven horns." Take the currency number and the version of the market. However, for the sake of narrative, the following statement is still adopted.
各種坐洋斷斷續續發行至1928年,因為戰爭的陰影而宣告結束。而中國在1933年實行廢兩改元后,船洋法幣逐漸一統市場,外國銀圓在中國不受重視,恰巧的是這個時候坐洋也銷聲匿跡了。第二次世界大戰結束后,法國短暫統治印度支那,再沒有發行過銀質貨幣。坐洋幣文中展示的是一枚1907年發行的坐洋幣。錢幣正中央是手執束棒的自由女神坐像,兩側是法文,翻譯為“法蘭西共和國”,下方是發行年份。背面為麥穗花環,花環上方鑄法文“法蘭西印度支那”,中間是法文“皮阿斯特貿易銀”。All kinds of foreign products were issuedintermittently until 1928.Ended in the shadow of war.After China implemented the abolition of the two yuan in 1933, the ship yuan gradually dominated the market, and the foreign silver yuan was not valued in China, coincidentally, at this time, the foreign yuan also disappeared.After the end of World War II, France ruled Indochina for a short time and did not issue silver currency again.A 1907 sitting dollar is shown in the text of the sitting dollar.In the center of the coin is the Statue of Liberty sitting with a wand, on both sides is French, translated as "French Republic", and below is the year of issue.The back is a garland of wheat spikes.The French "French Indochina" is built above the garland
坐洋幣”銀元作為一種歷史載體,記錄了鴉片戰爭以后,中國人民政治上受壓迫,經濟上受剝削的屈辱歷史。研究在中國流通的外國貨幣,對于我們了解外國列強利用銀元貿易,掠奪中國財富的罪行,增強愛國主義精神,為中華民族的偉大復興貢獻力量,具有十分重要的意義,同時作為古錢幣之一的“坐洋幣”,隨著市場發展,從最初的無人問津到輝煌的巔峰時期,現今深受海外收藏家的喜愛,收藏價值也不斷刷新飆升,歡迎各大藏家撥打下方熱線咨詢洽談!As a historical carrier, the "silver dollar" is a kind of historical carrier.
After the Opium War,The Chinese people are politically oppressed.A humiliating history of economic exploitation.The study of foreign currencies in circulation in China is of great significance for us to understand the crimes of foreign powers in using silver dollar trade to plunder China's wealth, to enhance patriotism and to contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.Now deeply overseas collector's affection, the collection value also unceasingly refurbishes soars, welcome each big collector to dial the following hotline consultation.
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