吳觀岱( 1862年1929年)名宗泰,又字念康, 40歲改字觀岱;號觚廬、潔翁,晚號江南.布衣。生于清同治元年(1862年) ,無錫人。民國18年(1929年)逝世,終年67歲。晚清海派六十家之一。
Wu guandai (1862, 1929) was named Zongtai, also named niankang. At the age of 40, he changed his name to guandai; he was named Gulu, jieweng, and later Jiangnan. Cloth. Born in 1862, the first year of Tongzhi in Qing Dynasty, born in Wuxi. He died in 1929 at the age of 67. One of the 60 Shanghai schools in the late Qing Dynasty.
When I was a child, I worked as an apprentice in the sauce hotel. I bought ink paper and paint with allowance and studied painting late at night. Because of his love of painting and unwillingness to be an apprentice in the shop, he later learned painting from pan daytang's painter, and his monthly tuition was provided by his uncle. After leaving the master, he often went to the mounting shop to see the famous paintings, and then went home to visit the tomb. After hard study and practice, learning painting has been successful.
吳觀岱壯年得同鄉廉泉的幫助,偕去北京,結識京華名家,飽覽歷代名畫,悉心揣摩,技藝大進。后由廉泉薦入清宮如意館當供奉,臨摹歷代名人手筆,并為光緒帝繪課本故事,聲譽鵲起。常救濟窮困畫友,為人稱道。曾在北京大學講授畫學,他告誡學生,習畫時先觀舊跡,別其真偽,“不然, 則入手必差矣”。回無錫后,求畫者紛至沓來,但他惜墨如金,不肯輕易下筆。得其畫者,視為珍寶。人多以“江南老畫師”稱之。錫城名畫家諸健秋、秦古柳均出自他的門下。他工花卉,兼擅山水、人物。初師潘晝堂,繼學惲壽平,得其秀雅之氣。山水作品意境開闊,蒼健渾樸,人物畫生動。又精研書法。作水墨梅竹,以書體入畫,別有意趣,曾被真賞齋印為信箋。
In his prime, Wu guandai got the help of Lian Quan, his hometown. He went to Beijing with him to get to know the famous artists in Beijing. He had a good look at the famous paintings of the past dynasties and made great progress in his skills. Later, Lian Quan recommended him to the Ruyi Hall of the Qing palace as a sacrifice. He copied the handwriting of famous people of all ages and drew textbooks and stories for Emperor Guangxu. He is praised for helping poor painters. When he taught painting at Peking University, he told students to watch the old paintings before they learn them. If they don't, they will not get started. After returning to Wuxi, many people came to ask for paintings, but he was reluctant to write. Those who get their paintings are regarded as treasures. Most people call it "Jiangnan old painter". Zhu Jianqiu, a famous painter in Xicheng, and Qin Guliu all came from his family. He works in flowers, and is good at landscapes and figures. Pan daytang, the first teacher, followed Yun Shouping's example and got his elegant spirit. Landscape works are broad in artistic conception, vigorous and simple, and vivid in figure painting. He also studied calligraphy. Make ink plum and bamboo. Use calligraphy to draw. It's not interesting. It was printed as letterhead by zhenxianzhai.
傳世作品有有《煙波罷釣圖》、《仿宋人夏木山居圖》 、《江帆圖》 、《虹橋遺事圖》 、《松壑鳴泉圖》、《寒梅冷月圖》 、《采蓮圖》 等。宣統三年(1911)文明書局出版《吳觀岱南湖詩意畫冊》, 并著有《觚廬畫草》行世。
His works have been handed down from generation to generation, such as the picture of the wave of smoke and the fishing, the picture of the people in the Song Dynasty living in xiamushan, the picture of Jiang Fan, the picture of the remains of Hongqiao, the picture of Songhe singing spring, the picture of cold plum and cold moon, the picture of lotus picking, etc. Xuantong three years (1911) civilization book office published "Wu guandai South Lake poetry picture book", and wrote "Gu Lu painting grass" world.
【作品賞析】:清代,吳觀岱 尺寸3平尺
[appreciation of works]: in the Qing Dynasty, Wu guandai's 3-level ruler