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盛世收藏精品推薦 紅色文化毛澤東像章

【藏.薦】欄 為藏品強大的傳播效應向各位買家推薦經國家一級鑒定專家甄選的藝術珍品,為藏家牽線搭橋,讓千百件藝術珍品價值被發掘與重視,拍賣會上得以高價成交。Column for the collection of powerful dissemination effect to each buyer recommended by the national expert selection of art treasures, for collectors matchmaking, let thousands of art treasures value was discovered and take seriously, in the auction to clinch a deal at a high price.


【名稱】 紅色文化毛澤東像章

【規格】 5.59cm/3.05cm/146.1g

【類別】  雜項

【展示價】 1880000.00CNY



Name Red culture Mao Zedong Badge

specifications 5.59cm/3.05cm/146.1g

Category Miscellaneous

Show the price1880000.00CNY


紅色藏品承載著收藏者對革命年代的情感,在中國共產黨建黨90周年之際,紅色藏品被更多的收藏愛好者所關注。加上辛亥革命100周年紀念日的即將到來,紅色藏品市場已進入火紅狀態。Red collections bear collectors' feelings towards the revolutionary era. On the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, more and more collectors pay attention to red collections. With the coming of the 100th anniversary of the 1911 Revolution, the red collection market has entered a hot state.

目前紅色收藏種類豐富,主要包括徽章,紅色書報刊和文獻,紅色題材宣傳畫、海報和影像制品,以及紅色題材畫作和雕塑收藏等。在眾多門類中,紅色題材畫作的市場表現尤為搶眼,特別是在去年中國嘉德秋拍上,李可染力作《長征》以1.075億元成交,紅色題材畫作價格突破了億元大關。At present, there are many kinds of red collections, mainly including badges, red books, newspapers and literatures, red theme posters and image products, and red theme paintings and sculptures. In many categories, the market performance of red theme paintings is particularly eye-catching, especially in the last year's Jiade autumn auction in China, Li Keran's masterpiece "Long March" was sold for 107.5 million yuan, and the price of red theme paintings broke the hundred million yuan mark.

紅色文化胸章藏品市場相比傳統藝術品市場雖然起步時間短,但實際上目前徽章收藏隊伍在不斷擴大,市場行情會不斷看漲。”據中國收藏家協會紅色收藏委員會主任紀玉成介紹,“以毛澤東像章為例,今年以來,早期毛主席像章價格上漲非常明顯,去年還是三五百元,今年就翻了一倍,好一點的翻了幾倍。‘文革’時期的‘大詩詞’套章,一套34枚,現在市場上至少要10萬元,而幾年前不足萬元。”盡管目前早期毛澤東像章價位較高,但一些行家認為其仍有很大的上升空間。Compared with the traditional art market, the red cultural badge collection market has a short start time, but in fact, the badge collection team is expanding and the market will continue to be bullish. " According to Ji Yucheng, director of the red collection Committee of the China Association of collectors, "take Mao Zedong's badge as an example. Since this year, the price of Chairman Mao's badge has risen significantly. Last year, it was still RMB 3500, which doubled this year, several times higher. In the period of the cultural revolution, there were 34 "big poems" in a set. At least 100000 yuan is needed in the market now, but less than 10000 yuan a few years ago. " Although the price of Mao Zedong's badge is relatively high in the early stage, some experts think it still has a lot of room to rise.

據業內人士分析,紅色收藏之所以這樣“紅”,是因為在歷經了多年市場積累后,價值漸被發掘。另外,紅色藏品價格的飆升和越來越多收藏者的加入有關。據統計,紅色收藏愛好者目前已超過百萬人,其中,紅色藏品收集到千件以上的收藏者在全國達到上千人,建有各類大小專題收藏館200多家,各種專題展覽更是層出不窮。According to the analysis of the insiders, the reason why the red collection is so "red" is that after years of market accumulation, the value is gradually explored. In addition, the soaring price of red collections is related to the increasing number of collectors. According to statistics, there are more than one million red collection enthusiasts at present, among them, there are more than one thousand red collection collectors in China, and there are more than 200 special collections of various sizes, and various special exhibitions emerge in an endless stream.

此套紅色文化題材毛澤東像章保存品相完好,包漿老道、入骨,其完美的詮釋了毛澤東同志的革命奮斗歷程,承載了紅色革命的艱辛歲月,是中華名族百折不撓、自強不息的偉大名族精神的最高體現。是中國革命和建設事業不斷走向成功的強大精神動力.在紀念紅軍長征勝利80周年之際,重新再認識“長征精神”的深刻內涵、具體內容,無疑對我們繼續發揚和踐行“長征精神”有著重要的理論意義和實踐意義。This set of red cultural themes of Mao Zedong's badge is well preserved, including old ways and deep bones. It perfectly explains Comrade Mao Zedong's revolutionary struggle process, carries the hard years of the red revolution, and is the highest embodiment of the indomitable and self-improvement spirit of the Chinese famous people. It is a powerful spiritual driving force for the continuous success of Chinese revolution and construction. On the occasion of commemorating the 80th anniversary of the victory of the long march of the Red Army, it is undoubtedly of great theoretical and practical significance for us to continue to carry forward and practice the spirit of the long march.

此藏品為本次2019重磅推薦藏品,歡迎各位蒞臨本公司賞析及協商,廣大收藏家可以通過各大媒體以及歡迎到公司了解詳情,如需意向購買,提前辦理好相關手續過來公司協商。一件藏品的成交離不開廣告宣傳!本公司以自成立以來,始終秉承“公開,公平,公正,誠實,守信”的服務原則,相關資質齊全,做最實在的宣傳,上最高端的平臺,享受最好的服務。特別提示:(以上藏品持寶人福建胡女士委托我司誠意出售、歡迎各界收藏家咨詢或出價,圖片均為實物拍攝,若有疑問可預約我司觀看實物)。This collection is the 2019 heavyweight recommended collection. Welcome to our company for appreciation and consultation. Collectors can learn the details through various media and welcome to our company. If you want to purchase, please go through the relevant procedures in advance and come to our company for consultation. Since its establishment, the company has been adhering to the service principle of "openness, fairness, fairness, honesty, and trustworthiness", with complete relevant qualifications, making the most practical publicity, going to the top-end platform and enjoying the best service. Special tips: (Ms. Hu, Fujian, the holder of the above treasures, entrusts us to sell them in good faith. Collectors from all walks of life are welcome to consult or bid. The pictures are taken in kind. If you have any questions, you can make an appointment with us to watch them).




標簽:像章 盛世 紅色 收藏 精品



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