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圣翰德——日本明治八年壹圓 精品推薦


明治元年,日本由香港購得全套鑄幣機器(英國人的機器,1866至1868年曾在香港鑄造過香港第一套貨幣),在大阪成立國家造幣廠。明治三年,造幣廠落成,馬上開鑄銀圓,大小幣值分為5錢、10錢、20錢、50錢、1圓5種,將“圓”定為日本的本位貨幣,即實行銀本位制度。于是明治八年,日本又鑄造了貿易銀。這種貿易銀與舊版相比,成色不變,重量增加,結果又被民間收藏熔鑄,日本再敗一陣(劣幣驅逐良幣的結果)。日本龍洋歷時45年,直到大正三年(1914年)止。據統計,共鑄造了34個年號的日本龍洋,依次是:明治三年、七年、八年、九年、十年、十一年至三十年、三十四年至三十九年、四十一年、四十五年和大正三年,累計鑄造貿易銀元約兩億枚。大日本明治八年的龍洋銀幣是極其罕見,后來明治十一年至三十年龍洋的鑄造量逐步遞增,進入了日本龍洋的黃金時代。日本貿易銀元,共有三種版式,但是以明治三年到明治三十年的銀元最好,成色96.3%--98%,所以這個時間段的錢幣現在價格最高。近年來,隨著收藏投資熱的不斷升溫,錢幣也日漸走俏,且價格一路上揚。尤其是珍品古錢,在藏品交易市場上表現異常活躍。錢幣是大眾收藏品,收藏者有一定數量,前期國內各區域都有實力型買家介入板塊,在一定程度上控制了市場供貨量,導致其價格快速走高。同時,它的價值也在同步上升。從藏家和市民的接受程度看,預計后期它的價格還將繼續上漲。大日本明治八年是一個國家歷史中組成的重要部分,就其特定的歷史時期在錢幣史上占據著重要的地位,它不僅代表著近代日本的貨幣文化,反映了近代歷史、經濟、 金融的興衰和滄桑,具有很高的藝術觀賞價值和文物價值。




In the first year of Meiji, Japan bought a full set of coin casting machines from Hong Kong (British machines, which cast Hong Kong's first set of currencies in Hong Kong from 1866 to 1868) and set up a national mint in Osaka. Meiji three years, the mint was completed, immediately opened and cast silver circle, the size of the currency is divided into 5, 10, 20, 50, 1 yuan five, the "circle" as the standard currency of Japan, that is, the implementation of the silver standard system. So in the Meiji eight years, Japan cast trade silver again. Compared with the old version, this kind of trade silver has the same color, the weight has increased, and the result has been melted and cast by the private collection, and Japan has been defeated for a while (the result of Bad money drives out good). Japan Longyang lasted 45 years until the third year of Dazheng (1914). According to statistics, a total of 34 years of Japanese Longyang, followed by Meiji three years, seven years, eight years, nine years, ten years, 11 to 30 years, 34 to 39 years, 41 years, 45 years and Daizheng three years, the cumulative cast trade silver dollars about 200 million. The silver coins of the Dragon Ocean in the Meiji eight years of Great Japan were extremely rare, and then the amount of dragon and ocean casting increased gradually from 11 to 30 years of Meiji, and entered the golden age of the Dragon Ocean of Japan. Japanese trade silver dollar, there are three kinds of layout, but Meiji three to Meiji 30 years of silver dollar is the best, color 96. 3% ≤ 98%, so coins are now the most expensive during this period. In recent years, with the increasing popularity of collection and investment, coins are becoming more and more popular, and prices are rising all the way. In particular, treasures and ancient money, in the collection market performance is extremely active. Coins are mass collectibles, and there are a certain number of collectibles. In the early stage, there were strong buyers in all regions of China, which controlled the market supply to a certain extent and led to the rapid increase of their prices. At the same time, its value is also rising at the same time. Judging from the acceptance of Tibetans and citizens, its prices are expected to continue to rise at a later stage. The Meiji eight years of Great Japan is in the history of a country. The important part of the composition occupies an important position in the history of money in its specific historical period. It not only represents the monetary culture of modern Japan, but also reflects the rise and fall of modern history, economy, finance and vicissitudes of life, and has high artistic ornamental value and cultural relics value.


Japanese "Longyang", known as the "Yin Yang" in China in the early years, is actually a short term for foreign trade and silver coins in Chinese folk. In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, Spain had made "Benyang" and silver coins (commonly known as "double column") in Mexico. During the period of Qianlong and Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty, China's foreign trade became more and more prosperous, and the type of silver coins flowing from abroad to China was also increasing. In addition to the "double column", there was a Mexican "Yingyang". British "to stand in the ocean", India loves the cat. The "to go to the sea" of love life and the Japanese "Longyang" and so on, in which the Mexican "Yingyang" is the most famous, and the Japanese"Longyang"'sinfluenceisrelativelysmall.




藏品規格:重:23.9g, 直徑:38.8mm


Collection name: One Yuan in the eight years of Meiji, Japan


Collection specification:Weight: 23.9g, diameter: 38.8mm



該幣材質珍貴,制作精美,圖案考究,文字清秀,內容豐富,雖經歷了無窮歲月,但紋路依然清晰可見,上面的跡象也見證了其歷史的積淀,具有非常明顯的歷史過渡性特征,這種一圓龍洋在當時鑄造發行量就很小,經過100多年歲月的洗禮,存世珍罕,幣種稀少,有著難以言喻的收藏價值。鑄工精良、流通痕跡明顯。俗話說物以稀為貴,受到近年國內舊版銀元收藏熱的影響,它們的價格也在不斷上漲,增值勢頭強勁。This Meiji, Japan, eight years round, the front center of the collection has the word "one circle", the upper side of the army has a cherry blossoms, left and right sides accompanied by cherry chrysanthemum branches, stamens and buds can be clearly distinguished, with rich Dongwang characteristics.



背面中心位置有雙龍吐火球圖案,印證了日本文化之“火成”說,又寓意“日”之生成。雙龍張牙 ,怒目而對,磷須可現,雙尾相盤,栩栩如生。外圈有中文“大日本·明治八年”紀年,上方為英文幣值。其色澤自然,包漿醇厚,龍紋圖案更是栩栩如生,設計別致,鑄工精致具有極高的藝術價值和收藏價值。日本明治八年是日本歷史的重要組成部分,就其特定的歷史時期,此時鑄造的錢幣在整個錢幣史上占據著重要的地位,它不僅代表著近代日本的貨幣文化,還反映了當時日本歷史、經濟、金融的興衰和滄桑,具有很高的藝術觀賞價值和文物價值。眾所周知,日本明治時期,已被西方的堅船利炮打開了國門,發生了深刻的社會變革,由封建主義走上了資本主義道路,該硬幣上鑄有英文,正是其面向西方的一種心態反映。


At the center of the back, there is a double dragon spitting fireball pattern, which confirms the theory of "fire" in Japanese culture and implies the formation of "day". Shuanglong open teeth, angry and right, phosphorus should be visible, double-tailed disk, lifelike. The outer circle has the Chinese Meiji eight years of Greater Japan, with the value of English currency at the top. Its color is natural, the pulp is mellow, the dragon grain pattern is lifelike, the design is chic, the casting worker exquisite has the extremely high artistic value and the collection value. The Meiji eight years of Japan is an important part of Japanese history. According to its specific historical period, the coins cast at this time occupy an important position in the whole history of money. It not only represents modern Japan. The monetary culture also reflects the rise and fall of Japanese history, economy, finance and vicissitudes of life at that time, and has high artistic ornamental value and cultural relics value. As we all know, during the Meiji period of Japan, it was opened to the door by the strong ships and guns of the West, and profound social changes took place. Feudalism embarked on the road of capitalism. The coin was cast in English, which is precisely a reflection of its mentality facing the West.




標簽:明治 日本 精品 推薦 圣翰德



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