古代錢幣大多數是以銅合金形式鑄造的,因而合金的成份不同,錢幣也隨之呈現出不同的顏色。各時代的錢幣銅質是不同的,又由于古代冶煉技術不同,各地區鑄造的古錢也各不相同,每個朝代各有特點,民國時期,辛亥革命獲得勝利之后,民國政府順應潮流宣告成立。民國的崛起和清朝的滅亡,是中國歷史的一大進步,它結束了兩千多年的封建制。Most of the ancient coins were cast in the form of copper alloys, so the composition of the alloy was different, and the coins also showed different colors. The coins of different eras are different in copper. Because of the different ancient smelting techniques, the ancient coins cast in different regions are also different. Each dynasty has its own characteristics. After the victory of the Revolution of 1911 in the Republic of China, the government of the Republic of China complied with the trend. . The rise of the Republic of China and the demise of the Qing Dynasty was a major step forward in Chinese history. It ended the feudal system of more than two thousand years.
雙旗幣是古玩古董界收藏家喜歡的藏品,銅黃色的外形不僅給人一種凝重的歷史滄桑感,且整個錢幣的版面分為內外圈兩部分,整體設計非常細致,英文字母、中文楷體以及花紋設計,圖案精美,因而在拍場上也吸引了相當一大批業內藏家們的關注。雙旗幣是古玩古董界收藏家喜歡的藏品,銅黃色的外形不僅給人一種凝重的歷史滄桑感,且整個錢幣的版面分為內外圈兩部分,整體設計非常細致,雙旗幣在如今市場上具有一定保值和升值功能,而雙旗幣一直都是最具有投資價值的一類錢幣之一Double flag coin is a favorite collection of collectors in the antique industry.The copper yellow shape not only gives people asolemn sense of historical vicissitudes.And the layout of the whole coin is divided into two parts, the overall design is very meticulous, English letters, Chinese italics and pattern design, exquisite patterns, so in the shooting scene has also attracted the attention of a large numbeof collectors in the industry.Double flag coin is antique collectors likethecollection, copper yellow shape not only gives a dignified sense of historical vicissitudes, and the
1912年1月3日,中華民國當局宣布樹立,清代消亡,在中國連續2000 多年的封建君主專制隨之停止。民國樹馬上,因為幣制還沒有樹立,除四川改鑄大漢銀幣,福建改鑄中華元寶外,重要的造幣廠,多數仍相沿前清鋼模鍛造銀幣,以供流暢必要。因為幣制凌亂,民國貨幣依然是今天藝術品收藏市場中的“香餑餑”。On January 3, 1912,
The authorities of the Republic of China announced the establishment of the Qing Dynasty and the end of the feudal monarchy in China for more than 2000 consecutive years.Because the currency system had not yet been established, except for Sichuan and Fujian, most of the important mint factories still forged silver coins in front of the steel die to provide smooth necessities.Because of the messy currency system, the currency of the Republic of China is still the "fragrant baboon" in today's art collection market.This double flag coin package pulp product is natural, welcome to the collection below the hotline.
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