This pastel vase, known as a dowry vase, is a porcelain vase presented by a woman in a traditional Chinese marriage from the late qing dynasty to the republic of China. This pastel chan bottleneck painting tree flower, painting figure bottle body. Beautiful woman's open face posture, as well as the interaction of beautiful woman and baby, reflected the painting style that social background new resembles adequately at that time, on the other hand also more accord with at that time powdery colour that kind of contains folk art style vivid and simple. Red red green green, auspicious festival, colorful, gorgeous, this is very consistent with the color characteristics of the kind of bright contrast powder enamel.
Because in the late qing dynasty export earned foreign exchange a lot has been exported abroad. It has been used for decades and up to a hundred years, with relatively few complete ones. Collection value according to the picture: people, landscape, animals, flowers and birds from high to low; By color; Blue and purple, pastel, white and blue, from high to low. But also have to consider the age, painting and other aspects.
This group of chan bottles for the late qing dynasty painting powder enamel and poetry and divided into double-sided color. The neck has ears and so on. All conform to the unique characteristics of the rare world. This pastel beauty vase is a pair of objects, more valuable than two single pieces. Its collection value is increasing year by year.