Meteorite, also known as "the comet", is an unburned stone, iron or stone-iron mixture that is scattered from the surface of the Earth's orbiting or other debris. . Most of the meteorites come from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and a small part comes from the moon and Mars. Vermiculite can be roughly divided into stone vermiculite, iron vermiculite, and stone iron mixed vermiculite.
Natural metal vermiculite is a rare type of vermiculite, accounting for 2%-4% of the number of meteorites. Iron and nickel and silicate minerals are equivalent (30% - 65%). The main minerals are olivine, various pyroxene, iron stone and nickel stone. The scientific value of the meteorite reflects its natural attributes, and the value of this science has become the basis of the collection value of the meteorite. That is to say, it not only has the rarity of the general high-end collection, but the value of its scientific exploration is unique to the meteorite. Connotation, it is this connotation that determines the deep intrinsic value discovery and endless charm of the meteorite collection.
Metal meteorites are extremely rare types of meteorites. The commercial value of meteorites is extremely high. Even large collectors can find very few meteorites. This metal meteorite is like iron and non-ferrous, like stone and non-stone. Its color is natural and unique. The overall sulfur burning trace is clearly visible. The outer surface is covered with a black oxide layer called a shell; many large and small craters on the surface are called air marks; these are formed by the intense frictional combustion with the atmosphere during their fall. Observing the meteorite under the high magnification magnifying glass, there are obvious crystalline particles. This group of vermiculite has a complete shell, a large specific gravity, a regular shape, and has a high artistic appreciation and collection value.