摘要:藏品推薦金磚國花圖,精品推薦《金磚國花圖》Boutique recommendation-"Flower Map of Golden Brick country"中國當代知名寫意畫大師,國家一級美術師,《霍玉山》先生,為紀念2017年中國廈門第九屆金磚五國峰會,親筆力作
Boutique recommendation-"Flower Map of Golden Brick country"
Collection name: "Golden Brick Flower Map"
Specification: 7m long and 70 cm wide
Category: calligraphy and painting
Famous Chinese contemporary freehand brushwork master, national first-class artist, "Huo Yushan", in honor of the Ninth BRICS Summit in Xiamen, China in 2017, wrote "BRICS National Flower Map" China (peony), Russia (sunflower), India (lotus), South Africa (imperial flower), Brazil (crab claw orchid). The summit ceremony that attracts the attention of the world, the historical event of Biao Bingshi, the subject matter is big, the opportunity is once in a while, the collection value is extremely high! 7 meters long and 70 centimeters wide
金磚國家共同點: 都是新興市場國家,發展多樣性,走“和平發展之路”。共同目標是推動發展中國家整體崛起,推動國際秩序民主化,推動世界經濟均衡發展,推動國際貨幣和金融體系改革。金磚國家走到一起,是國際關系發展的客觀要求,是互利共贏的選擇和符合國際社會共同利益。
The BRICS countries have in common: they are all emerging market countries, developing diversity and following the "path of peaceful development ". The common goal is to promote the overall rise of developing countries, the democratization of the international order, the balanced development of the world economy and the reform of the international monetary and financial system. The BRICS countries come together, which is an objective requirement for the development of international relations, a mutually beneficial and win-win choice and in the common interests of the international community.
金磚國家峰會舉辦地: 2009年6月金磚4國國家領導人在俄羅斯葉卡捷琳堡(上圖左)舉行首次正式會晤,這次會晤正式啟動了金磚國家之間的合作機制。第二次會晤于2010年4月在巴西巴西利亞(上圖右)舉行。此后,金磚國家5國領導人先后于2011年4月在中國三亞(中圖左)、2012年3月在印度新德里(中圖中)、2013年3月在南非德班(中圖右)、2014年7月在巴西福塔萊薩(下圖左)舉行了第三、第四、第五、第六次會晤。第七次領導人會晤2015年7月8日在俄羅斯烏法(下圖右)舉行。
BRICS summit venue: in June 2009, BRICS leaders held their first formal meeting in Yekaterinburg, Russia (above left), which officially launched a BRICS cooperation mechanism. The second meeting was held in Brasilia, Brazil, in April 2010 (pictured right above). Since then, the leaders of the five BRICS countries have held their third, fourth and fifth sessions in Sanya, China, in April 2011, in New Delhi, India, in March 2012, in Durban, South Africa, in March 2013, and in Fortaleza, Brazil, in July 2014 (left below). In 2005, the sixth meeting. The seventh leaders' meeting was held in Ufa, Russia, on July 8, 2015 (pictured right below).
歷次金磚國家領導人會晤標志: 每次金磚國家領導人舉行會議,舉辦國都用五國國旗的代表顏色設計自己的標志,象征著金磚國家的合作與團結。圖為俄羅斯葉卡捷琳堡會晤標志(2009年)、巴西巴西利亞會晤標志(2010年)、中國三亞會晤標志(圓型,2011年)、印度新德里會晤標志(2012年)、南非德班會晤會議標志(2013年)、巴西福塔萊薩會晤標志(2014年)和俄羅斯烏法會晤標志(2015年)。
BRICS leaders meet logo: each BRICS leaders hold a meeting, the host countries use the national flags of the five countries to design their own logo, symbolizing the cooperation and unity of the BRICS countries. The picture shows the symbol of the meeting in Yekaterinburg, Russia (2009), Brasilia, Brazil (2010), Sanya, China (round, 2011), New Delhi, India (2012), Durban, South Africa (2013), Fortaleza, Brazil (2014) and Ufa, Russia (2015).