摘要:藏品推薦,精品推薦《兩彈一星青白玉玉璽》Recommended "two bombs and one Star Green and White Jade Seal" 為了紀念偉大的兩彈一星元勛們,國家有關單位隆重發行了兩彈一星寶璽,采用極品和田青白玉,邀請國內頂級玉雕大師,中華玉文化博物館館長仵海州大師親自操刀,歷時數月,終于圓滿完成,每一尊都是絕世精品。
Recommended "two bombs and one Star Green and White Jade Seal"
Collection name: two bombs and one star jade seal
Specification: 3.5kg
Category: Jade
兩彈一星寶璽 青白玉3.5kg
Two bombs and one star seal green white jade 3.5kg
兩彈一星寶璽 發行量:60套
Two bombs and one star seal circulation: 60 sets
兩彈一星寶璽 設計師:仵海洲
Two bombs and one star seal Designer: wuhaizhou
"Two bombs and one satellite" is short for nuclear bombs, missiles and man-made satellites. As a landmark event of the development of scientific and technological strength in the early decades of the people's Republic of China, the two bombs and one star are often used to refer to the achievements of independent, United and cooperative development in science and technology, military and other fields in modern China. China's achievements in missiles, man-made satellites, remote sensing and control in the era of "two bombs and one satellite" laid a foundation for the further development of China's aerospace industry in the future.
In fact, two bombs and one satellite initially refer to atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs and man-made satellites; later, with the successive birth of nuclear weapons such as bullets, the former bomb gradually evolved into the collective name of nuclear weapons, namely nuclear bombs.
In order to commemorate the great "two bombs and one star" Yuanxun, the relevant units of the state issued two bombs and one star seals, using the best and Tian Qingbai jade, and invited the top jade carving masters in China and the curator of the Chinese Jade Culture Museum, Master Zhu Haizhou, to operate the knife in person. After several months, it was finally completed successfully. Each of them is a masterpiece.
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