智和文化——和田白玉雙耳四方壺一對 精品推薦
此和田白玉雙耳四方壺一對,上乘新疆和田白玉料,大料整雕,罕見精品、 玉質溫潤細膩,白度上佳,滿工精雕,器呈四方形,四獸足、獸耳帶環,瓶身淺 浮雕獸面紋,刀法精細入微,線條流暢,比例協調,造型大氣,工藝精美,包漿 醇厚,宮廷御賞,收藏價值極高。
Are superior in the hotan Bai Yushuang four penghu-glance a pair of ears, xinjiang hotan white jade expected, the aniseed whole carving, rare high-quality goods, the quality of the jade jade is exquisite, white degree good, full work carved, the square, four beast, the beast ear ring, the bottle bas-relief beast lines, art of using saber fine, smooth lines, the proportion coordination, modelling atmosphere, exquisite craft, mellow patina, imperial palace, high value for collection.
Collection name: Hetian white jade two ears four square pot pair
This treasure is temporarily placed in "Sichuan Zhihe Cultural Development Co., Ltd." intending to contact the company directly!
Sichuan Zhihe Culture is a comprehensive operation company that integrates online and offline art exhibition, auction, cultural exchange and art appreciation; with the business purpose of "drawing on Chinese wisdom, promoting Chinese spirit and creating Chinese value", it has a long-term vision, active planning and operation ability, and extremely pioneering spirit. God's team leads Chinese culture to the world.