本公司有幸征集到的洪憲年制粉彩花鳥觀音瓶一對,瓶高46厘米,口徑12.5厘米,底徑14.5厘米。此瓶,瓷胎潔白細膩,釉質溫潤如玉色澤鮮明艷麗,制作工藝精美無比。瓶身紋飾,多花卉,有代表富貴的牡丹,代表清高的菊花以及芙蓉,有鴿子一對矗立而望,彩蝶一雙嬉戲花間。瓶身上下兩處施各種花色搭配。令人感到文雅中帶著一絲喜慶之意。洪憲年是袁世凱逆歷史潮流而動,只當了83天皇帝就一命嗚呼,所燒“洪憲制”不多,存世量更加稀少 ,可謂鳳毛麟角。以瓷當紙,以瓷入畫,乃是此藏品最大亮點。 Hong Xiannian made a pair of pink flower and bird Guanyin bottles, 46 cm high, 12.5 cm in diameter and 14.5 cm in bottom diameter, which our company was lucky to collect. The porcelain body of this bottle is white and delicate, the enamel is warm and jade-like, with bright and gorgeous color, and the manufacturing process is exquisite. The bottle is decorated with many flowers, including peony, chrysanthemum and hibiscus. Pigeons stand in pairs and butterflies play in the flower room. The upper and lower parts of the bottle are decorated with various colors. There is a hint of happiness in one's refinement. Hong Xiannian was Yuan Shikai's move against the historical trend. After only 83 days, the emperor died. The "Hong Xiannian system" burned by Yuan Shikai was few, and the number of people living in the world was even rarer. It can be said that it was rare. Porcelain as paper and porcelain as painting are the greatest highlights of this collection.
Collection name: Hong Xiannian made a pair of pink flower and bird Guanyin bottles.
This treasure is temporarily placed in "Sichuan Zhihe Cultural Development Co., Ltd." intending to contact the company directly!
Sichuan Zhihe Culture is a comprehensive operation company that integrates online and offline art exhibition, auction, cultural exchange and art appreciation; with the business purpose of "drawing on Chinese wisdom, promoting Chinese spirit and creating Chinese value", it has a long-term vision, active planning and operation ability, and extremely pioneering spirit. God's team leads Chinese culture to the world.