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【名稱】 清明上河圖(十字繡)
【規格】 長5.56m 寬0.526m
【類別】 雜項
十字繡在民間俗稱為 “挑花”或“挑補繡”。十字繡于公元14世紀十字繡從中國經由土耳其傳到意大利,然后在歐洲傳播開來。最早的十字繡是用從蠶繭中抽出的蠶絲線在動物毛皮的織物上刺繡,這種十字繡在許多國家被人們用來裝飾衣服和家具,由于各國的文化不盡相同,隨著時間的推移,都形成了各自的風格。
Cross stitch is commonly referred to as “picking flowers” or “pick up embroidery” in folk customs. The cross-stitch was crossed from China to Turkey in Turkey in the 14th century, and then spread in Europe. The earliest cross stitch was embroidered on the fabric of animal fur with silk thread drawn from silkworm cocoons. This cross stitch is used in many countries to decorate clothes and furniture. Due to the different cultures of different countries, as time goes by They have formed their own styles.
文中此藏品為“清明上河圖十字繡”,中國十大傳世名畫之一,加上十字繡的現有傳統工藝將清明上河圖以絲線的形式精致的展現其風采。尺寸大,繡工美,整幅長達:5.56m; 寬:0.526m,刺繡作品以現代十字繡通過清明節日北寧都城汴梁(今開封今開封))和以虹橋為中心的汴河兩岸各階層人物活動情景的描繪情景的描繪,集中反映了這一歷史時期社會生活的一些側面集中反映了這一歷史時期社會生活的一些側面。圖中所秀廓市橋屋廬之遠近高下,草樹馬牛驢駝之大小出沒樹馬牛驢駝之大小出沒,以及居者行者以及居者行者,舟車之往還先后舟車之往還先后,全幅場面浩大全幅場面浩大,內容極為豐富內容極為豐富廣泛而細致的描寫了各種復雜的社會形象和民俗風貌。《清明上河圖》十字繡這一不朽杰作這一不朽杰作,皆堪稱國之瑰寶。內容極為豐富,表現細膩、色澤豐富、過渡自然、質感強烈。繡工細致,拉線均勻,方向一致,針腳緊密,飽含有中國傳統色彩的十字繡。隨著十字繡藝術日益火熱,清明上河圖的十字繡版同時也得到了人們的喜愛,為國內外藏家所追捧和喜愛的對象,具有很高的收藏價值和欣賞價值。
In this article, the collection is “Chunming Shanghe Cross Stitch”, one of China's top ten famous paintings, and the existing traditional crafts of cross-stitch will show the style of the Qingming Shanghe in the form of silk. The size is large, the embroidery is beautiful, the whole length is up to 552.5cm; the width is 52cm; the embroidery works with modern cross stitch through the Qingming Festival Beining Ducheng Liangliang (now Kaifeng today Kaifeng)) and the Hongqiao as the center of the two sides of the Weihe River The depiction of the depiction of the character's activity scenes reflects that some aspects of social life in this historical period reflect some aspects of social life in this historical period. In the picture, the Xiujiao Bridge House is far and near, the size of the grass tree horse calf, the size of the tree, the horse, the calf, the size of the camel, and the pedestrians and the occupants, the boat has also gone. In succession, the whole scene has a vast and full-scale scene, and the content is extremely rich. The content is extremely rich and extensive and detailed describes various complicated social images and folk customs. The immortal masterpiece of the immortal masterpiece "The River on the River in the Qingming River" is an eternal treasure of the country. The content is extremely rich, the performance is delicate, the color is rich, the transition is natural, and the texture is strong. The embroidery is meticulous, the wire is even, the direction is the same, the stitches are tight, and the cross stitch with Chinese traditional color is full. With the growing popularity of cross-stitch art, the cross-stitch version of the Qingming Shanghe map has also been loved by people, and it has been highly sought-after and appreciated by collectors at home and abroad.
Cross stitch is an ancient national embroidery with a long history. Cross-stitch is the perfect embodiment of hand-crafted art, exquisite and highly decorative and collectible. This Qingming Shanghe River cross-stitch is beautifully painted, bright and bright, smooth and smooth, with a natural transition and strong texture. It is hand-embroidered and delicately embroidered. From a distance, it looks like a pen, it is majestic, close to the eye, one stitch and one line are unambiguous, the pull line is even and coherent, and the pavilions, buildings, people, and livestock are embroidered with fine and vivid, amazing, such huge and God's cross stitch is really rare. "The Qingming Shanghe Map", with its vast content, occupies an extremely important position in the design of cross-stitch patterns. The complicated pattern design and vast engineering have made the production of cross-stitch on the Qingming Shanghe figure more difficult, which led to the cross-cut finished products of Qingming Shanghe. The price is high.
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