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木化石是最少上億年的樹木被迅速埋葬地下后,木質部分被地下水中的SiO?(二氧化硅)交換而成的樹木化石。它保留了樹木的木質結構和紋理。顏色為土黃、淡黃、黃褐、紅褐、灰白、灰黑等,拋光面可具玻璃光澤,不透明或微透明,因部分木化石的質地呈現玉石質感,又稱硅化木或樹化玉。硅化木是上億年前的樹木因種種原因被埋入地下,在地層中,樹干周圍的化學物質如二氧化硅、硫化鐵、碳酸鈣等在地下水的作用下進入到樹木內部,替換了原來的木質成分,保留了樹木的形態(tài),經過石化作用形成的植物化石,因其中所含的二氧化硅成分多,所以,常常稱為硅化木或樹化玉。 古代的樹木被包含二氧化硅的水所淹沒,木頭里的細胞被石英家族的石髓、蛋白石等所置換,所以雖然還保留著木頭的外觀,但實質上已經是百分之百的石頭(石英)了。西方的神秘學家們認為,原本腐爛的木頭,在經過石英置換后,竟然變成不朽的寶石,因此,認為木化石具有永恒、長壽、永生的能量特性。

Wood fossil is a kind of tree fossil which is formed by the exchange of SiO2 (silicon dioxide) in groundwater after the trees are buried in the ground rapidly for at least 100 million years. It retains the wood structure and texture of the trees. The color is turquoise, yellowish, yellowish brown, reddish brown, gray white, gray black, etc. the polished surface can be glassy, opaque or slightly transparent. Because the texture of some wood fossils presents jade texture, it is also called silicified wood or tree jade. Silicified wood is a kind of tree buried in the ground hundreds of millions of years ago for various reasons. In the stratum, the chemical substances around the trunk, such as silicon dioxide, iron sulfide, calcium carbonate, etc., enter into the interior of the tree under the action of the underground water, replacing the original wood components, retaining the shape of the tree. The plant fossils formed by the petrifaction contain more silicon dioxide components, so It is often called silicified wood or tree jade Ancient trees were submerged by water containing silica, and the cells in the wood were replaced by pith and opal of quartz family, so although the appearance of wood was still preserved, it was actually 100% stone (quartz). Western mysticists believe that the rotten wood, after being replaced by quartz, turns into an immortal gem. Therefore, they believe that the wood stone has the energy characteristics of eternity, longevity and immortality.

樹化石是地質學所稱硅化木中的極品,它誕生于距今2億多年的中生代時期,因突發(fā)的劇烈的地質變化,將樹木深埋地下,經過極為苛刻的地址條件形成,是天下稀有億萬年前遺世孤品。木化石集天地之靈氣,納日月之精華。它是集木、石、玉為一體的寶石佳品。樹化石從古生代石炭紀開始(始于距今3.55億年)到白堊紀中期(結束于距今1.25億年)之間均有分布。到21世紀為止最早的木化石是石炭紀早期的裸蕨植物化石,最新的為1.035億年前白堊紀晚期的硅化木, 樹化石由于硅化木的木質纖維結構甚至細胞結構和樹干外形、樹皮、年輪、蟲洞等特征得以保存,因此它不但可以其材質展示富貴和美麗,還可以其化石的年輪、樹皮、節(jié)瘤、蟲洞、肌理等斑斕多姿的特征記錄和見證著億萬年的地質變遷和物種衍化,為人們研究古植物及古生物史以及古代地質和氣候變化提供了線索。

Tree fossil is the best of the silicified wood in geology. It was born in the Mesozoic era more than 200 million years ago. Because of the sudden and violent geological changes, it buried trees deep underground and formed under extremely harsh address conditions. It is a rare and unique product of the world hundreds of millions of years ago. The wood stone sets the spirit of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and moon. It is a gem with wood, stone and jade as one. Tree fossils are distributed from the beginning of Carboniferous (355 million years ago) to the middle of Cretaceous (125 million years ago). The earliest wood fossil up to the 21st century is the fossil of naked fern in the Early Carboniferous. The latest one is the silicified wood in the late Cretaceous, 103.5 million years ago. Because the wood fiber structure, even cell structure, trunk shape, bark, rings, wormholes and other characteristics of the silicified wood are preserved, the tree fossil can not only display the richness and beauty of its material, but also the rings of its fossils The colorful characteristics of bark, nodule, wormhole and texture record and witness hundreds of millions of years of geological changes and species evolution, providing clues for people to study the history of ancient plants and paleontology as well as ancient geology and climate change.


Weighing 74 Jin, 36cm in height and 24cm in width, this tree fossil is a rare and gorgeous treasure in the nature. The insect eyes hidden in this tree fossil add a profound meaning of being favored by the noble, having a bright future and excellent beauty. It is very good for the stability, safety and smooth of the home and the enterprise. It has a high collection value and market prospect.






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