Zhanyang coin is one of the foreign currencies which was cast by England and circulated in China in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. After the station foreign currency silver dollar entered China, it began to circulate in Guangdong and Guangxi. Because of its exquisite production and high silver content, it was deeply loved by businessmen and people. When the British government saw that the foreign currency silver dollar was profitable in China, it began to cast it and import it into China. Before long, it was used in most parts of China, especially in Beijing and Tianjin. At that time, among the foreign currencies in circulation in China, "foreign currency silver dollar stands as a historical carrier, recording the humiliating history of Chinese people's political oppression and economic exploitation after the Opium War. Studying the foreign currency circulating in China is of great significance for us to understand the crime of foreign powers using silver dollar trade, plundering China's wealth, enhancing patriotism and contributing to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
藏品尺寸:重: 20.47g 直徑:39.3mm
Name: station currency
Collection size: weight: 20.47g diameter: 39.3mm
藏品簡介:此1930年站洋幣,直徑39.3mm,重:20.47g,圖案精美,內涵深邃。錢幣正面為一名武士,站立岸頭,傲視世界。左手持米字盾牌,右手執三叉戟,意為能攻能守,戰無不勝。緊貼珠圈上部左右兩側分列英文“ONE DOLLAR”(壹圓),在武士下方記年號1930,珠圈外飾有回紋。錢幣錢文清晰,紋飾細膩,線條流暢,曲線優雅,筆法細致,異常精美。錢幣背面中央有中文篆體“壽”字,上下為中文行體“壹圓”,左右為馬來文“壹圓”,珠圈外亦鑄有回紋,從錢幣上可清晰看到中西文化的交融,帶著鮮明的歷史印記,獨具歷史意義,具有很高收藏價值。
Collection introduction: This 1930 standing coin, 39.3mm in diameter, 20.47g in weight, has exquisite design and profound connotation. The obverse of the coin is a warrior, standing on the bank head, and proud of the world. Holding the meter shield in the left hand and the Trident in the right hand means being able to attack and defend, invincible. Close to the upper left and right sides of the bead circle, there is an English "one dollar" (one circle). The year 1930 is recorded below the samurai, and the bead circle is decorated with a ripple. The coins are clear, delicate in design, smooth in line, elegant in curve, meticulous in writing and extremely exquisite. On the back of the coin, there is a Chinese character "Shou" in seal script, a Chinese character "Yiyuan" in line up and down, and a Malay character "Yiyuan" in left and right. There is also a palisade outside the bead circle. From the coin, we can clearly see the integration of Chinese and Western cultures, with distinct historical marks, unique historical significance, and high collection value.
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