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In recent years, it continues to be popular in the market and is highly praised by the capital. At the beginning of 2003, it was still in a period of market depression. In just ten years, the appreciation range has exceeded several times and dozens of times, and the fine works have reached hundreds of times of value-added. The collection market is already in short supply! It can be said that the price of coins has doubled on average every year, and it is gradually saying goodbye to the trough. For example, a Xuantong Yuanbao made in Guangdong Province has a market price of less than 200000 yuan, but it was sold at Sotheby's auction in London at a high price of more than 6.8 million yuan. Judging from the mature auction market in Europe and the United States, the value of China's coins has been increasing.



[collection name]: Guangdong Province zaoxuantong Yuanbao "Kuping one yuan four Fen four Li"


[type]; coins

此枚廣東省造宣統元寶庫平一錢四分四厘。大小合適,尺寸頗佳。錢幣正面珠圈內鑄滿漢文“光緒元寶”,珠圈外上環鑄刻“廣東省造”,下環鑄“庫平一錢四分四厘”,字體端莊工整,挺拔俊秀,筆法流暢,十分俊美。錢幣背面中心為蟠龍圖案,紋理清晰,線條優美,龍麟細膩,定睛一看猶如一條翱翔天際的神龍,讓人嘆為觀止。上環書英文:KWANG-TUNG PROVINCE(廣東省),下環依舊鐫刻英文:1MACE AND 4.4 CANDAREENS (一錢四分四厘),左右各鑄十字星,小巧精美,玲瓏可愛,藝術價值極高。藏品有自然的銀銹,品相完好,形制規整,質地優良,字體筆法流暢,紋飾刻制工細。此種錢幣存世量稀少,有不錯的收藏價值。

This coin is made in Xuantong, Guangdong Province. It's a good size. On the obverse of the coin, the Pearl circle is filled with "Guangxu Yuanbao" in Chinese, on the outside of the Pearl circle, the upper ring is engraved with "made in Guangdong Province", and on the lower ring is engraved with "Kuping one coin four quarters of a millimeter". The font is dignified, neat, straight, handsome, fluent and very beautiful. In the center of the back of the coin is a coiled dragon with clear texture, beautiful lines and delicate dragon Lin. it looks like a dragon flying in the sky, which is amazing. The upper ring is written in English: Kwang-tung service (Guangdong Province). The lower ring is still engraved in English: 1mace and 4.4 candareens (one dollar, four quarters and four centimeters). Cross stars are cast on the left and right, which are small, exquisite, lovely and of high artistic value. The collection has natural silver rust, intact appearance, regular shape, fine texture, fluent writing style, and fine decoration. This kind of coin is rare and has a good collection value.


Ancient coins are non renewable, one less in collection. Xuantong Yuanbao is not only a fine coin of modern mechanism, but also a revolutionary cultural relic with high value, which is of great historical significance. Xuantong Yuanbao has exquisite casting technology, rich artistic flavor, great market value in the collection industry, and is extremely active in the collection trading market, and has achieved a very beautiful transaction record. As a rising star in the collection industry, Xuantong Yuanbao's appreciation speed is amazing.



Xuantong Yuanbao, as a famous Chinese silver coin, has won the favor of coin collectors all over the world for its exquisite shape and unique design, which is of great collection value. It has become a star collection in the collection of ancient coins. There are a certain number of collectors, its value is also rising, and its market prospect is bright. Judging from the acceptance of collectors and citizens, it is expected that the price of Xuantong Yuanbao will continue to rise in the later period, which is of collection value. The market is promising. The development of Xuantong Yuanbao reflects the advance and retreat of China's monetary policy in the late Qing Dynasty, and records a historical turbulence. It is a rare silver coin treasure known to all. It has profound historical significance and high collection value.






標簽:宣統 廣東省 元寶 四分 精品



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