宋徽宗趙佶崇寧年間(1102-1106年)始鑄,年號錢。有崇寧寶、崇寧重寶和崇寧元寶三種。 崇寧通寶當十型,錢文為徽宗親書,所以又其為御書錢。我國金屬鑄幣的一大特點就是有銘文書寫,可以說,每一種錢幣文字的字體各有特征,不同時代的鑄幣銘文,有不同的書寫風格。該錢文書法清秀骨瘦,鐵劃銀鉤,是徽宗趙佶瘦金書體存留世間的真實寫照。
It was first cast in the reign of Zhao Ji, Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty (1102-1106), with the year number of Qian. There are three kinds of Chongning treasure, Chongning heavy treasure and Chongning Yuanbao. Chongning Tongbao should be the ten types. Qian Wen is the book of Huizong, so it is also the money of Royal book. One of the major characteristics of China's metal coinage is that there are inscriptions. It can be said that each type of coin has its own characteristics. The inscriptions of different times have different writing styles. The calligraphy of Qian Wen is delicate and thin, with iron and silver hooks. It is a true portrayal of Zhao Ji's thin and gold calligraphy of Huizong.
[collection name]: Chongning Tongbao
Class: Coins
Chongning Tongbao is one of the most important coins in the period of Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty, so it is difficult to copy it. At present, there are generally two ways of counterfeiting in the market. One is to change the engraving, that is, to change ordinary coins into precious ones. The other is fraud. Compared with real coins, it is not difficult to find that in the first place, from the perspective of words, there is no strength of thin gold body, nor the atmosphere of Royal calligraphy. Another is to see its casting. The real coins are of exquisite workmanship, and it is difficult to see the sand holes under the magnifying glass. However, the texture of the fake coins is relatively rough, and there is no texture, so the sand holes can be seen even without the magnifying glass.
Chongning Tongbao is one of the most important coins in the last years of the Northern Song Dynasty. Chongning Tongbao is a treasure left by history to human beings. It has a high value of collection, research and appreciation, and has its own unique features in ancient Chinese coins. At present, the market is very keen on collecting such ancient coins, of which the price of Chongning Tongbao is the highest. Although this Chongning Tongbao has experienced more than 900 years of history, its appearance is still excellent, which is really a rare rare product.
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