西漢初期至中期、末期。這時期的 銅鏡用平雕手法,鏡面較平,花紋平整,鏡邊簡略,裝飾性強。漢初沿襲戰國銅鏡的裝飾作風,多采用底紋與主紋相結合的重疊式手法,戰國盛行的云雷紋地的 蟠螭紋鏡繼續流行,鏡背中心作圓形成矩形,有的加鑄銘文,通常如 長相思,毋相忘,常富貴,樂未央 等言語。西漢中葉,即武帝前后,銅鏡的形制及花紋發生顯著變化,地紋逐漸消失,三弦紋橋形紐經過伏獸紐,蛙紐及連峰狀紐后,普遍變成半球狀圓紐,花紋嚴格對稱于鏡的圓面中心,或勻稱分為四區,當時除流行簡化蟠螭紋鏡外,還流行星云紋鏡和草葉鏡。星云紋實際上是由蟠螭紋演變而來,因乳丁甚多,星云紋鏡又稱百乳鏡。草葉鏡的紐座為方形,四周飾以對稱的草葉,有的像花瓣,有的像葉片,外緣用十六個內向連弧紋作邊緣。這類 銅鏡因流行時間長,在漢鏡中占有重要的地位。大約從宣帝開始,又出現了有 見日之光,天下大明一圈銘文的 日光鏡和有 內清質以昭明,光輝象乎日月 二圈字銘的昭明鏡,間以 繩紋,連弧紋,作同心的重圈組織,均是以銘文作為主要裝飾。深浮雕品相,銹色線條,刻紋包漿濃度十分精美,收藏價值非常高。
Collection Introduction: Han Dynasty Bronze Mirrors From the beginning to the middle and end of the Western Han Dynasty. The bronze mirrors of this period were carved flat, with flat mirror surface, flat pattern, simple mirror edge and strong decoration. At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, the decorative style of bronze mirrors in the Warring States Period was followed. Overlapping patterns were mostly used in combination with main patterns. Panchi mirrors in Yun Leiwen, which were popular in the Warring States Period, continued to be popular. The center of the back of the mirror was rounded to form a rectangle. Some were inscribed with inscriptions, such as sauvignon blanc, not forgetting each other, Chang Fugui and Yue Weiyang. In the middle of the Western Han Dynasty, before and after Emperor Wudi, the shape and pattern of bronze mirrors changed significantly, and the ground pattern gradually disappeared. After passing through animal buttons, frog buttons and even peak buttons, the three-stringed bridge-shaped buttons generally became hemispherical knobs. The pattern was strictly symmetrical to the center of the mirror's circular surface, or was evenly divided into four areas. At that time, besides the simplified flat sting mirror, nebula mirror and grass leaf mirror were also popular. Nebula pattern is actually evolved from flat sting pattern. Because there are many milky grains, nebula pattern mirror is also called 100 milky mirror. The knob seat of the grass leaf mirror is square, and is decorated with symmetrical grass leaves, some of which are like petals, some of which are like leaves, and the outer edge uses 16 inward continuous arc lines as edges. Due to its long popularity, this type of bronze mirror occupies an important position in the Han Dynasty. Starting from about Xuan Di, there appeared the light of seeing the sun again. The sun mirror with a circle of inscriptions on the Ming Dynasty and the mirror with a clear inner quality were all decorated with inscriptions as the main decorations. Deep relief appearance, rust-colored lines, carved lines and coated slurry concentration are very exquisite, and the collection value is very high.
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