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"Olympic Festival" Olympic Gold Volume

2008年北京奧運會已進入倒計時,經第29屆奧組委審批授權,由八大權威機構策劃制作的世界首套奧運黃金長卷《奧運盛典》近日在全國各大城市震撼 發行。此套藏品開創了奧運紀念藏品的先河,一經上市就轟動全國,盡管其售價不菲,還是吸引了有眼力又有實力的收藏者爭相收藏。該套藏品收錄了北京2008 奧運會的吉祥物、火炬、13個奧運場館、38個運動項目、奧運名人題詞等獨具紀念意義的主題元素,又以珍貴的黃金宣紙為載體,故也被廣大收藏者稱為“奧運 第一黃金卷”。

The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has entered a countdown. After the approval and authorization of the 29th Olympic Organizing Committee, the world's first Olympic gold volume "Olympic Festival", which was planned and produced by the eight authoritative organizations, has recently been shocked and distributed in major cities across the country. The collection, the first of its kind to mark the Games, was a national sensation and, despite its high price, attracted an eye-and-power collector. The collection includes the mascots, torches, 13 Olympic venues, 38 sports events, Olympic celebrity inscriptions and other unique commemorative theme elements of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. It also uses precious Huangjinxuanzhi as a carrier. Therefore, it is also referred to by the vast number of collectors as "the first gold volume of the Olympic Games."

     2008北京奧運會日益臨近,以奧運為主題的收藏品也是百花齊放,層出不窮,極大豐富了收藏品市場,但像這樣由一個八大權威機構聯合推出的奧運藏品,在我 國是開天辟地的第一次,在世界奧運史上也是史無前例的。“奧運第一黃金卷”全長10.8米,寬0.34米,采用純度高達999的純金為材質,經由最新高科 技成果一次性成像制成,無接縫、無瑕疵。純金共計90克。“奧運第一黃金卷”由第29屆奧組委授權,前國際奧委會主席薩馬蘭奇,現任國際奧委會主席,雅克 ·羅格欣然為金卷題詞并收藏。這不但是中國人民的榮譽,更是此套奧運金卷“收藏價值”的權威保障。

Eight authoritative organizations jointly launch the authoritative guarantee of "collection value"

The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games are approaching, and the collections of the Olympic theme are in full bloom. They are endless and have greatly enriched the collection market. However, the Olympic collections jointly launched by the eight major authoritative organizations are the first time in our country. It is also unprecedented in the history of the World Olympic Games. The "Olympic First Gold Volume" has a total length of 10.8 meters and a width of 0.34 meters. It uses pure gold with a purity of 999 as a material. It is made by one-time imaging of the latest scientific achievements, with no seams and no flaws. A total of 90 grams of pure gold. "The first gold volume of the Olympic Games" was authorized by the 29th Olympic Organizing Committee. Former International Olympic Committee President Samaranch, currently President of the International Olympic Committee, Jacques Rogge is pleased to write an inscription on the gold volume and collect it. This is not only the honor of the Chinese people, but also the authoritative guarantee of the "collection value" of this Olympic gold volume.

     世界首套奧運金卷《奧運盛典》創造了多個第一,第一次由八大權威機構聯合推出;第一套世界奧運史上的黃金長卷;第一次全程收錄了2008奧運會最具紀念意 義的主題元素—北京奧運會吉祥物、火炬、13個奧運場館、38個奧運項目、奧運名人題詞等等。如此眾多的第一,造就了此套藏品具有極大的收藏價值和巨大的 升值空間,而且此套奧運金卷不僅創造了多個第一,也是目前奧運收藏品中唯一的一套黃金長卷,這更彰顯了她無比尊貴的收藏地位。在北京首發式上,中國國家博 物館的收藏專家一致認為:《奧運盛典》黃金長卷具有極高的文化、藝術、紀念價值。中國國家博物館把編號2008號《奧運盛典》金卷永久珍藏。

The value of "first and only" is unlimited

The world's first Olympic gold volume "Olympic Festival" created several first, the first time by the eight major authorities jointly launched; The first set of gold volumes in the history of the World Olympic Games; For the first time, the most commemorative theme elements of the 2008 Olympic Games were included-Beijing Olympic Games mascots, torches, 13 Olympic venues, 38 Olympic events, Olympic celebrity inscriptions, and so on. Such a large number of first, created this collection has a great collection value and huge room for appreciation, and this set of Olympic gold rolls not only created a number of first, but also the only set of gold in the current Olympic collection. Long roll, This highlights her unparalleled status as a collector. At the launch ceremony in Beijing, the collection experts of China's National Museum agreed that the "Olympic festival" gold long roll has extremely high cultural, artistic and commemorative value. The National Museum of China has permanently collected the gold roll numbered 2008 "Olympic Festival".

Therefore, experts asserted: This set of Olympic gold volumes has created a precedent for the Olympic collection, and there are 2008 sets of circulation, and the appreciation of the "Olympic gold volume" can not be questioned.

     據了解,近來,隨著2008北京奧運會的日益臨近,以奧運尤其是以北京奧運為題材的收藏品在收藏市場上持續升值。據資料顯示,奧運類收藏品中升值最好、空 間最大的當是奧運貴金屬類收藏品。“北京奧運金條”第一組的收藏價值在一年內的升值已達120%,今年剛發行的“奧運火炬”金銀紀念章,在幾個月的時間 內,已升值達到20%。所以收藏專家指出“貴金屬收藏品的特點是升值快、易變現、好保存”。“奧運黃金長卷”以奧運為題材,并以本身具有保值、增值功能的 黃金為載體,而且由中央八大機構權威發行,幾種因素融合在一起,升值前景更為看好。有經驗的收藏者認為,隨著2008北京奧運會日益臨近,“奧運黃金長 卷”將有可能成為收藏界的又一升值傳奇神話。同時,“奧運黃金長卷”以其鮮明奧運主題、深厚的中國文化底蘊、獨到精絕的制作工藝,并出具權威監制證書,它 既是藏之久遠、永不貶值的“傳家寶”,同時又是珍貴的高端禮品。

Olympic gold long volume appreciation is more optimistic

It is understood that recently, with the approaching of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the collection of the Olympic Games, especially the Beijing Olympic Games, has continued to appreciate in the collection market. According to data, the best appreciation in the Olympic collectibles and the largest empty space are the Olympic precious metal collectibles. The collection value of the first group of "Beijing Olympic gold bars" has risen by 120 % in one year, and the gold and silver medal of the "Olympic torch" just released this year has risen by 20 % in a matter of months. Therefore, the collection experts pointed out that "the characteristics of precious metal collections are rapid appreciation, easy realization, and preservation." The "Olympic Gold Long Volume" is based on the theme of the Olympic Games and is based on gold that has its own function of preserving value and adding value. It is also issued by the authority of the eight major institutions of the Central Government. Several factors are combined together, and the prospects for appreciation are more optimistic. Experienced collectors believe that as the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games approach, the "Olympic Gold Scrolls" will likely become another myth of appreciation in the collection community. At the same time, the "Olympic Gold Scrolls", with its distinctive Olympic theme, profound Chinese cultural heritage, unique and unique production techniques, and authoritative producer certificates, is both a "family heirloom" that has been hidden for a long time and has never been devalued. It's also a precious high-end gift.

標簽:奧運 長卷 盛典 黃金



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