“嘉慶通寶”鑄于清仁嘉慶年間(1796-1820年)。錢徑2.2-2. 6厘米,重2-4克。錢面文字"嘉慶通寶"以楷書書寫,從上而下而右而左直讀。錢背滿文左"寶",右記局名19字。少數(shù)錢背星月紋以及記地或吉祥漢字(如:桂、福、壽、康、寧),吉語背文如:"天子萬歲"、"國泰民安"、"天下太平"、"日日生財"、"嘉慶萬歲"、"唯和唯一"、"如賣三倍"、"四方來賀"、"五世同堂"等多達20種,為歷代古泉所僅見。仁宗嘉慶年間鑄。面文楷書直讀,背滿文穿左為寶,穿右為鑄局名;泉源直蘇昌浙福武南川晉陜鞏云東黔,伊,阿克蘇,幣材含鉛錫各半,故錢質(zhì)灰暗脆弱,一般徑2.2---2.6厘米,重2--4克,少數(shù)錢可見星月紋,另有吉語錢,如福康壽寧,天下太平等。此時的大清朝已是日薄西山。傳世元珍稀品。
"Jiaqing Tongbao" was cast in the Jiaqing period (1796-1820). It is 2.2-2.6cm in diameter and 2-4G in weight. The Qian Mian character "Jiaqing Tongbao" is written in regular script and read directly from top to bottom, right and left. Qian back Manchu left "treasure", right office name 19 words. A small number of coins carry star and moon patterns, as well as local or auspicious Chinese characters (such as GUI, Fu, Shou, Kang, Ning), and auspicious words, such as: "long live the son of heaven", "national Tai and people's safety", "peace under heaven", "day and day generate wealth", "long live Jiaqing", "unique and unique", "triple sales", "four directions to celebrate", "five generations together" and so on, which are the only ones seen in ancient springs of all dynasties. It was made in the reign of renzongjiaqing. The regular script on the face is read directly, the left is the treasure on the back, and the right is the name of the casting office; the spring source is Su Chang, zhe Fu Wu, Nan Chuan, Jin Shan Gong, Yun Dong Qian, Yi, Aksu, and the coins contain half lead and half tin, so the quality of the money is gray and fragile, generally 2.2-2.6cm in diameter, 2-4G in weight, a few of the money can be seen with star and moon patterns, and there are other auspicious money, such as Fukang Shouning, tianxiataiping, etc. At this time, the Great Qing Dynasty was already in decline. Rare and precious products handed down from generation to generation.
This coin is "Jiaqing Tongbao". The coins are round square holes, and the central "Jiaqing Tongbao" is written in regular script. The writing is smooth, the font is dignified, orderly and coordinated, and it is read directly from top to bottom, right and left. Its fine manufacture, deep and clear Qian Wen, elegant and steady strokes, excellent casting, is a treasure of ancient coins.
A coin usually carries the prehistoric civilization of the same period. The preservation value of this coin increases with the great value of Prehistory and civilization. In recent years, with the continuous development and progress of our country's coin preservation and investment career, coin preservation has gradually become a popular type of preservation. It is not difficult to see from the quotation trend of all coins in the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China that there is still much room for increasing the quotation of Jiaqing Tongbao, Qianlong Tongbao and Kangxi Tongbao. In particular, this Jiaqing Tongbao has a sparse number of surviving, and its storage and value-added space is unlimited.