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嘉合天下(北京)國際拍賣有限公司【藏.薦】欄 為藏品強大的傳播效應向各位買家推薦書法珍品,為藏家牽線搭橋,讓藝術珍品價值被發掘與重視,在拍賣會上得以高價成交。


【規格】39.2 *67.5cm

【類別】 書畫

2019 domestic recommendation: calligraphy (bird song and flower fragrance, qigong style)

Jia he world (Beijing) international auction co., LTD. [zang. jian] column for the collection of strong dissemination effect to recommend to all buyers by the experts selected by the first level of identification of treasures, for collectors matchmaking, let the value of art treasures was discovered and attention, in the auction to clink a deal at a high price.

[name] calligraphy (bird song and flower fragrance, qigong style)

[specification] 39.2*67.5cm

[Category] painting and calligraphy


This pair of characters xingyun water, form and spirit of both, the general people to learn calligraphy is to write "jiugong grid" or "meter grid" from the beginning, and the center of gravity of the word points in the square center. The center of gravity of this pair of characters is not in the center of the traditional mi-character grid, but in the four corners not far from the center. The proportion between them is "golden section rate". The style and seal also accord with the consistent style and habit of qigong teacher. What is commendable is this pair of characters is qigong teacher should old friend liu Lao to liu Lao niece adult gift, the origin and origin are above board. Collection and art research is the best choice.

啟功,字元白,也作元伯,號苑北居士,北京市滿人。 雍正皇帝的第九代孫。中國當代著名書畫家、教育家、古典文獻學家、鑒定家、紅學家、詩人,國學大師。曾任北京師范大學副教授、教授,中國人民政治協商會議全國委員會常務委員、國家文物鑒定委員會主任委員、中央文史研究館館長、博士研究生導師、九三學社顧問、中國書法家協會名譽主席,世界華人書畫家聯合會創會主席,中國佛教協會、故宮博物院、國家博物館顧問,西泠印社社長。

Qigong, the word yuanbai, also known as yuanbo, the north court, Beijing manchu. The ninth generation grandson of emperor yongzheng. Chinese contemporary famous calligrapher, educator, classical scholar, connoisseur, redologist, poet, master of traditional Chinese studies. A former associate professor and professor of Beijing normal university, the Chinese people's political consultative conference national committee standing committee and director of cultural relic identification committee of the national committee, director of the central literature and history institute, doctoral tutor, jiusan society advisor of Chinese calligrapher's association, honorary President of world Chinese painter-calligrapher association chairman, China buddhist association, the national Palace Museum, national museum of consultants, President of xileng printing society.


The average person learns calligraphy to begin from writing "jiugong grid" or "meter character grid", and put the center of gravity of the character in the square center. However, qigong found that the center of gravity of the characters was not at the center of the traditional mizi grid, but at the four corners not far from the center.

啟功老師自創啟體(qǐ tǐ)由國學大師啟功先生獨創的一種書法。啟體字的形成是在1938年-1957年(26歲-45歲),啟功先生在輔仁大學國文系和北京師范大學中文系任教期間,經過全身心鉆研,達到很高的藝術造詣。享有現代“王羲之”的美譽。下附啟功老師著作權登記證書。

Qigong teacher created qigong (q let go), a kind of calligraphy created by the master of traditional Chinese culture, Mr. Qigong. From 1938 to 1957 (age 26 to 45), Mr. Qigong worked as a teacher in the Chinese language department of furen university and the Chinese language department of Beijing normal university. Enjoy the modern "wang xizhi" reputation. The following attached qigong teacher copyright registration certificate.


"Mr. Qigong is a leader in the field of Chinese calligraphy and cultural relics collection. Qigong is the chairman of the second Chinese calligrapher's association and the founder of the world Chinese calligrapher and painter's federation. His death is a great loss to Chinese calligraphy and art circles. Mr. Qigong insisted on leading students until his old age, and we will always remember him. Calligraphy master xie jinglian said, "as a famous scholar, the teacher gave me not only calligraphy instruction, but also his philosophy.


The economic value



The economic value of qigong's works is self-evident. Calligraphy and painting as a symbol of culture and inside information, as early as in the western jin dynasty, lu ji's "ping fu tie" is recognized as a famous handed down calligraphy works. The tang and song dynasties reached a climax. Ancient and modern Chinese and foreign dignitaries or ordinary people are all get a celebrity painting and tireless, large tomb, as a funeral with dozens or even hundreds of calligraphy and painting, visible in the past tomb owners have power, wealth and wealth of the leader on calligraphy and painting enthusiasm. By the Ming and qing dynasties, this phenomenon was even more obvious. In modern times, calligraphy and painting became more popular. Senior executives, big entrepreneurs, movie stars and famous athletes all joined the collection of calligraphy and painting. Prices for famous painters and calligraphers have remained high.

此藏品現交于公司嘉合天下(北京)國際拍賣有限公司市場部專員運作推廣。歡迎各位蒞臨本公司賞析及協商,廣大收藏家可以通過各大媒體以及歡迎 到公司了解詳情,如需意向購買,提前辦理好相關手續過來公司協商。

The collection is now handed over to the company jia he world (Beijing) international auction co., LTD. Marketing specialist operation promotion. Welcome to our company to appreciate and negotiate, the majority of collectors through the major media and welcome to the company to understand the details, if you want to purchase, in advance to deal with the relevant procedures to negotiate with the company.

一件藏品的成交離不開廣告宣傳!本公司以自成立以來,始終秉承“公開,公平,公正,誠實,守信”的服務原則, 做最實在的宣傳,上最高端的平臺,享受最好的服務。

The deal of a collect cannot leave advertisement propaganda! The company since its inception, always adhering to the "open, fair, fair, honest, trustworthy" service principle, do the most practical publicity, the highest end of the platform, enjoy the best service.


Special tips: (the above collection holders are: you entrust us to sell, welcome all circles of collectors to consult or bid 010-59000899,13601215514. All pictures are taken in kind. If you have any questions, please make an appointment to see the real thing.) jia he world (Beijing) international auction co., LTD




標簽:書法 10.21



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