2019全球預展精品推薦:豬寶 /Piggy
陜西咸雅軒藝術品有限公司[藏.薦]欄 為藏品強大的傳播效應向各位買家推薦經一級鑒定專家陳金奎老師甄選的藝術珍品,為藏家牽線搭橋,讓藝術珍品價值被發掘與重視,在私下交易會上得以高價成交。
【名稱】豬寶 【規格】 重:17.2g 【類別】雜項
Pig treasure, also known as pig cinnabar, is a stone in pig gallbladder, bile duct, liver duct and other organs. It looks like a bean seed, or it is pink, pink or tan, and has a slight luster on the surface. Pig sand is a rare and rare Chinese herbal medicine. Its formation time is longer, and the breeding period of pigs is very short. Therefore, it can rarely be found in pigs, but it is also occasionally seen that its medicinal effects are similar to bezoar. It is mainly used for heat removal, detoxification, phlegm, and shock to the human body. Can treat heartbeat, insomnia and other diseases. This pig treasure is a middle and upper class pig treasure good color, shiny and bright, with high medical value and collection value.
【 Name】 Piggy.
【specifications】Weight: 17.2 g
【category】 Miscellaneous
豬寶又名豬辰砂,是豬膽囊、膽管、肝管等臟器中的結石,外形如同豆粒,或呈粉末狀,外觀呈粉紅色或棕褐色,表面有少許光澤。豬砂是一種名貴緊缺中藥材,其形成時間較長,而豬的飼養期又很短,所以很少能在豬體內發現,但也有偶爾可見的 它的藥用功效類似牛黃,主要用于清熱、解毒、化痰、定驚對人體有鎮靜作用。可治療心跳、失眠等癥。此豬寶是中上等豬寶成色好,光澤透亮,具有很高醫藥價值和收藏價值。