此錢幣為袁世凱三年銀幣簽字版。此幣甚少見,天津造幣廠試鑄樣幣,并未流通。該幣在袁像右側刻有一豎行英文字母“L.GioRGi”,是在華外籍鑄幣專家意大利雕刻師“魯爾治·喬治”簽名縮寫。袁大頭英文簽字版(正面)為袁世凱左側五分像,上鑄“中華民國三年”中文繁體,在袁像右側刻有一豎行英文字母“L.GioRGi”,是在華外籍鑄幣專家意大利雕刻師“魯爾治·喬治”簽名縮寫。具有很高的歷史文化研究價值,寓意“民主、共和、憲政及君主立憲“之思想希冀。下面(背面)為嘉禾之圖案, 古稱生長奇異的禾,古人以之為吉祥的征兆。亦泛指生長茁壯的禾稻。典出《尚書·周書·微子之命》:“唐叔得禾,異畝同穎,獻諸天子。鑄在錢幣之上寓意國家重視農桑、以民生為本;其另一思想取其家和之諧音,寓意“家和萬事興”之意;鑄幣之上當政者有國泰民安、吉祥如意之愿景,民間收藏,寓意“家和萬事興”之吉祥之寶,故有很高的收藏研究價值。
This coin is a three-year silver coin signed by Yuan Shikai. This coin is very rare. The Tianjin Mint tried to make sample coins, but they did not circulate. On the right side of Yuan Xiang, there is a vertical English letter "L. Giorgi", which is an abbreviation of ruerge George, an Italian sculptor who is a foreign Mint expert in China. The English signature Version (obverse) of yuan Datou is the left Pentagram of Yuan Shikai, with traditional Chinese characters of "three years of the Republic of China" on the top. On the right side of Yuan's portrait, there is a vertical English letter "l.giorgi", which is the abbreviation of "ruerge George", an Italian sculptor who is a foreign Mint expert in China. It has a high historical and cultural research value and implies the hope of "democracy, Republic, constitutionalism and constitutional monarchy". Below (on the back) is the pattern of Jiahe, which was called the strange growth of he in ancient times. The ancients took it as a sign of auspiciousness. It also generally refers to the growing and strong rice. According to the book of history, ZhouShu, the life of a micro son: "Tang shudehe, with different mu, offered to the emperor. Casting on coins implies that the country attaches importance to farming and people's livelihood; another idea takes the homophony of family and implies that "family and everything prospers"; the rulers on coins have the vision of national security and good luck, folk collection, and the auspicious treasure of "family and everything prospers", so they have a high value of collection and research.
Our company has the honor to collect such a collection. If you like, you can contact our company at 17391600175.