售價 58000.00 <可議價>
大清銀幣作為一種機制幣,其在制作工藝上融入了西洋元素, 使得整枚錢幣根據藝術性,加上宣統三年大清銀幣曲須龍本身的發行量和存世量就非常的少,使得*近幾年大清錢幣曲須龍價格一直不斷的上漲,甚至發展至今,已經成為一幣難求的錢幣。
Over the years, with the warming of the preservation fever, the investment and preservation of ancient coins have gradually become, and the market is now in a good trend. "Qing silver coin" has also become the favorite of the preservation circles, with millions of high prices. It is not a myth that the depositors get rich overnight, but a real reality. As a kind of machine-made coin, the Qing silver coin incorporates Western elements into its production process, which makes the whole coin artistic. In addition, the circulation and stock of Quxulong in Xuantong's three-year-old Qing silver coin are very small, making the price of Quxulong in recent years have been rising continuously, and even developed to this day, it has become a hard-to-get coin.