售價 480000.00 <可議價>
陶瓷有一層釉,紫砂沒有,可以吸收茶的味道 “陶瓷”是一種通稱,“陶”和“瓷”在質地上、物理性能上有很大區別。中國是最早制造陶器的國家之一,是最早發明瓷器的國家。 陶瓷(Ceramics),陶器和瓷器的總稱。陶瓷的傳統概念是指所有以粘土等無機非金屬礦物為原料的人工工業產品。它包括由粘土或含有粘土的混合物經混煉,成形,煅燒而制成的各種制品。由最粗糙的土器到最精細的精陶和瓷器都屬于它的范圍。對于它的主要原料是取之于自然界的硅酸鹽礦物(如粘土、長石、石英等),因此與玻璃、水泥、搪瓷、耐火材料等工業,同屬于“硅酸鹽工業”(Silicate Industry)的范疇。 紫砂是多種礦物質共存,耐酸耐堿含鐵的粘土質粉砂巖,含有水云母和高嶺土、石英、云母屑、鐵質等成分,主要化學成分有氧化鐵、氧化硅、氧化鈣、氧化鎂、氧化錳、氧化鉀、氧化鈉等。不含任何有害金屬物質,且富含鐵、硅、錳、鈣、鎂、鈉、鉀等多種人體所需的微量元素,能分解食物中的脂肪,降低膽固醇,紫砂器皿在食品的烹煮過程中不但能保存營養成分,還能避免有害金屬元素攝入等,市場上漲空間非常大。
Ceramics have a layer of glaze, purple sand does not, can absorb the taste of tea, "ceramic" is a general term, "pottery" and "porcelain" in texture, physical properties are very different. China was one of the first countries to make pottery and invent it. Ceramics, the general name of pottery and porcelain. The traditional concept of ceramics refers to all artificial industrial products using inorganic non-metallic minerals such as clay as raw materials. It includes various products made from clay or mixture containing clay by mixing, forming and calcining. It ranges from the roughest earthenware to the finest fine pottery and porcelain. Its main raw materials are silicate minerals (such as clay, feldspar, quartz, etc.) from nature. Therefore, it belongs to the category of "Silicate Industry" together with glass, cement, enamel, refractory and other industries. Purple sand is a kind of clayey siltstone with coexistence of various minerals, acid and alkali resistance and iron content. It contains hydromica and kaolin, quartz, mica chips, iron and other components. Its main chemical compositions are iron oxide, silicon oxide, calcium oxide, magnesium oxide, manganese oxide, potassium oxide, sodium oxide and so on. It does not contain any harmful metal substances, and is rich in iron, silicon, manganese, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and other trace elements needed by the human body. It can decompose fat in food and reduce cholesterol. Purple sand utensils can not only preserve nutrients in the cooking process of food, but also avoid harmful metal elements intake. The market has a very large space to rise.