秦 兆 勇 書 法 簡 介:
秦兆勇出生于書香世家,自幼酷愛書法,主攻歐陽詢,兼列二王(王羲之、王獻之) 、博涉諸家,兼工各體,數十年臨池無間,深得古人用筆之意。精研書史及書學理論,孜孜以求,鍥而不舍。其書作端莊清秀、涵蘊豐富,功底深厚。曾多次在全國全軍舉辦的各類大展中獲獎,多家媒體相繼進行宣傳和報道。書法受到龐中華、歐陽中石,盧中南,趙長青,趙學敏,齊白石孫女等書畫名人點教。 2012年10月被路懷中教授收為門弟(當代十大山水畫家之一,首都中國山水畫創作院院長,中國書畫理論及創作研究員,人民大學客座教授)。2013年12月參加美國藝術家協會中國區獲獎,2014年2月作品參加“偉大復興共圓中國夢活動書畫香港展。2016年1月在全國“軍民融洽鑄輝煌,攜手共圓中國書畫大賽中獲優秀獎。2016年11月獲中部戰區紀念長征勝利80周年書畫大賽一等獎。
Qin Zhaoyong, pen named Qin Gong, is from Xu Zhou of Jiang Su province. Qin graduated from the Air Force Telecommunications Engineering College with a bachelor degree, and graduated form Chinese Calligraphy Correspondence University with a graduate degree. Used to be a regimantal officer, Qin is a section chief of Shun Yi Community Education Center, and a member of the director-group of Shun Yi Calligraphers’ Association now. Qin was born with a elegant family backgroud and became fascinated in calligraphy in his childhood. He specialized in the style of famous calligraphers like Liu Gongyuan, Ou Yangxun, Wang Xizhi, Wang Xianzhi, and Mi Pei. Qin’s calligraphy can be both gentle and powerful, enriched with the experiences of years of excrieces. And his works has winned plenty of awards in many national events, medias flocked to interview him about his works and himself, especially the 4 pieces of poems written by himself in 2011, which was quite an honor to be given to foreign friends by our government leaders as a gift.