北洋是現在天津地區的舊稱,在清朝時被稱為直隸省。北洋機器局(又稱軍火機器總局、天津機器制造局)是中國早期的現代化兵工廠,由北洋三口通商大臣崇厚等人于1867年創辦,1870年由李鴻章接辦。光緒十三年(1887年),李鴻章在天津創建附屬于北洋機器局的機器鑄錢局(寶津局),鑄造機制銅錢,鑄幣設備部分來自北洋機器局,部分從英國進口。光緒二十一年(1895年),清政府準許各省仿鑄西式銀幣,時任北洋大臣的王文韶令北洋機器局試鑄銀幣,于光緒二十二年(1896年)七月鑄造了一套主幣以圓為單位、面額為壹圓、伍角、貳角、壹角、半角五枚一套五等幣值的銀幣,系北洋機器局的初鑄銀幣。而從光緒二十五年起,所鑄之龍銀改為計重制,并將 “大清北洋機器局造”改為“北洋造”三字,背面改為蟠龍圖。光緒二十七年李鴻章卒死,由袁世凱繼任北洋大臣,便決定籌設銀元專局,在光緒二十八年十月落成,因為我國的遼寧、河北及山東等沿海各省泛稱為“北洋”,所以名為 “北洋鑄造銀元總局”。 北洋的銀元發展歷程映襯著中國晚清貨幣政策的進與退,每一次斷檔也刻錄著一次歷史的顛簸。北洋鑄幣廠所鑄造的光緒元寶為數不多,流通于世的相對其他元寶的數量也較少,隨著時光的流逝也在大量的遺失。
下圖便是小編見過的北洋造光緒元寶,錢幣正面珠圈內滿漢文“光緒元寶”,圈外上環“北洋造",下環“庫平七錢二分”,左右各一圓點心。錢幣背面中心為蟠龍圖,上下環英文,左側有阿拉伯數字“34”,左右各一圓點心。其表現出了當時的國際政治、經濟、文化的交融,極具歷史意義。 是集收藏與投資于一身的難能可貴的精品!
Beiyang is now the old name in Tianjin, which was called Zhili Province in the Qing Dynasty. Beiyang Machinery Bureau (also known as General Administration of Arms Machinery and Tianjin Machinery Manufacturing Bureau) is an early modern Arsenal in China. It was founded in 1867 by Chong Hou, Minister of Commerce and Trade of Beiyang Sankou, and was taken over by Li Hongzhang in 1870. In the 13th year of Guangxu (1887), Li Hongzhang founded the Machine Casting Bureau (Baojin Bureau) affiliated to Beiyang Machinery Bureau in Tianjin. The coining machine is copper coin. The coining equipment is partly from Beiyang Machinery Bureau and partly imported from Britain. In 1895, the Qing government allowed the provinces to imitate Western-style silver coins. In July of 1896, Wang Wenshaoling, then the Minister of Beiyang, coined a set of silver coins in yuan, denomination of one yuan, Wujiao, Bijiao, Yijiao and half a quarter, which were the first silver coins of Beiyang Machinery Bureau. Since the twenty-fifth year of Guangxu, the casting of Dragon Silver has been replaced by weighing, and the word "Beiyang Machinery Bureau of the Qing Dynasty" has been replaced by the word "Beiyang Made", and the back has been replaced by the picture of Panlong. When Li Hongzhang died in Guangxu 27 years, Yuan Shikai succeeded him as Minister of Beiyang. He decided to set up a special Bureau of silver and yuan, which was established in October 28. Because Liaoning, Hebei and Shandong provinces in China are generally called "Beiyang", they are called "General Administration of Silver and Yuan Foundry in Beiyang". The development of the silver dollar in Beiyang reflects the progress and retreat of China's monetary policy in the late Qing Dynasty. Each break also records a historical turbulence. The number of Guangxu Yuan Bao minted by Beiyang Mint is very small, and the number of other Yuan Bao circulated in the world is also relatively small. With the passage of time, a large number of Yuan Bao are also lost. The following picture shows the Beiyang Guangxu Yuan Bao that Xiaobian has seen. The front bead circle contains Manchu-Chinese "Guangxu Yuan Bao", the outer circle contains "Beiyang Made" and the lower circle contains "Kuping Qian Bi", each with a round snack. The center of the back of the coin is a picture of the dragon. The upper and lower rings are in English. On the left, there is an Arabic numeral "34", with a round snack on each side. It shows the blending of international politics, economy and culture at that time, which is of great historical significance. Is a collection and investment in a valuable boutique!