六帝錢,主要是指離我們最近的清王朝連續在位的六位帝王——康熙、雍正、乾隆、嘉慶 、道光 、光緒年間鑄造的圓形方孔銅錢。他們在位期間所鑄造的古錢匯聚了天地之靈氣、中華之神氣、帝王之霸氣和百家之財氣。帝王的威嚴和氣勢遠遠散播國內外,可見其帝威和氣勢之強大。清代六帝錢作為那個時代所鑄的古錢是唯一留給后人的具有帝威的遺物。它們距今已有200多年,經萬人之手,流傳下來,既珍貴又難得。藏品雖經歷了無窮歲月,但紋路依然清晰可見,上面的銹跡也見證了其歷史的積淀,具有非常明顯的歷史過渡性特征,有著難以言喻的收藏價值。雖然經歷歲月的無情洗禮,但仍然保存完好,錢文、輪廓的清晰程度好,屬于古錢中的美品,具有很高的歷史價值、藝術價值和收藏價值。
Six emperors'money mainly refers to the round square-hole copper coins cast during the reign of Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong, Jiaqing, Daoguang and Guangxu, the six successive emperors in Qing Dynasty, which were nearest to us. The ancient money they forged during their reign brought together the spirit of heaven and earth, the spirit of China, the tyranny of emperors and the wealth of a hundred families. The majesty and momentum of the emperor spread far from home and abroad, which shows the strength of his majesty and momentum. The Six Emperors'Qian in Qing Dynasty, as the ancient money cast in that era, is the only relic left to future generations with imperial authority. They have been handed down by tens of thousands of people for more than 200 years. They are both precious and rare. Although the collection has gone through endless years, the lines are still clearly visible. The rust marks on it also witness its historical accumulation. It has a very obvious historical transitional characteristics and has an indescribable collection value. Despite the relentless baptism of the years, it is still well preserved, with a clear outline of the money, which belongs to the beauty of ancient money and has high historical value, artistic value and collection value.